C25k - Stuck in Week 6

noor_v Posts: 133 Member
Hi All,

I started the C25k program a couple of months ago and I've been stuck in week 6 for a couple of weeks now. It's not my legs - I think my legs are pretty strong... I get out of breath and my arms hurts.

Not sure what to do - any suggestions??

I walk at 3 mph to warm up and I feel that a comfortable jogging pace for me is around 4.5 mph to 5 mph. I'm pretty tall at 5' 10.5" and have a long stride.



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    If your out of breath run slower. You should be able to hold a conversation even if you think its too slow. Don't worry about speed that will come in time
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Are you failing at week 6? Or is it just hard still? Is that the big jump from like 8 minutes to a solid 20 minute run (or something like that)?

    I finished the program before, and honestly I found that by that point, it was easier to do the full run, rather than stopping to walk in the middle and having to start back up. Maybe just try week 7 and see how it goes?

    I truly believe it's almost always your mind that's failing you, not your body. That's something you'll probably realize by the end of c25k too :).
  • noor_v
    noor_v Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks!!! I'll pay attention to the speed... I do vary the speed if I get tired, but if I go below 4.5 mph I end up walking...

    Any thoughts about arms?? I've just started lifting some weights so that I can strengthen my arms, but not sure what else to do....
  • noor_v
    noor_v Posts: 133 Member
    Are you failing at week 6? Or is it just hard still? Is that the big jump from like 8 minutes to a solid 20 minute run (or something like that)?

    I finished the program before, and honestly I found that by that point, it was easier to do the full run, rather than stopping to walk in the middle and having to start back up. Maybe just try week 7 and see how it goes?

    I truly believe it's almost always your mind that's failing you, not your body. That's something you'll probably realize by the end of c25k too :).

    I did the 20 min solid run a couple of weeks ago - I did 5 mins at 4.5 mph and 15 mins at 5 mph... but now for some reason I am barely able to do 12-13 mins. At first I thought that maybe my legs were extra tired, so I rested for a couple of days and tried to finish Week 6 but wasn't successful - it's been 3-4 days since the last time I tried to run and now I'm just not confident anymore...
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member
    I would say slow down. If you are out of breath, it means you are running faster than you ought to. I finished the program last month. For me it was more of a mental block at the 25mins run mark. I still have it. I got a lot of tips from the couch to 5k group on here.
    Try motivational music, audio book or something that distracts you. Don't give up! You've come this far. Now it's only a matter of time before you are consistently running 5ks.

    Here are some tips from the group - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/398883-tips-tricks

  • noor_v
    noor_v Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks for the tips :)

    I'm really motivated now.... (going to get my shoes and get on that Dreadmill)
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    It took me 12 weeks to finish the 9 week program because there were just some weeks I couldn't get through so quickly. I would also recommend you slow the pace down a wee bit.... maybe 4.7 or 4.8, and see how it goes. Good luck! I loved the program because I was able to run a 5K when I completed it! (Truth in advertising!)
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    Do you do any other cardio? If found early on the doing some cycling really helped me with my running. Both in leg and cardio strength.