New and need motivation

Hi everyone

My name is Donna-Marie
I have decided im finally going to take full control of my life and make changes.
I was told about this site/app by a friend and thought I would try it.

I would love to be friends with as many motivational people as possible, who won't judge me when I have an off day. (I have been having a few recently following an operation)

Thank you for taking the time to read this :)


  • tmcleod22553
    COme up with a plan and stick with it! I have tried numerous diets and exercise plans to help me lose weight and get healthy. I finally found something that works and you don't have to spend all your free time in a gym! In the 2 months that I have been on my low fat diet and a member of Koko Fit Club, I have dropped over 40 pounds and my BMI has dropped 6 points. Find what works for you and go for it!