

so i got the DVD's for the P90X fitness program, i need to know when can i start the program?? i just start walking from a week, i walk about 7 km a day, and this is my plan? any one can advice


  • knyfz
    knyfz Posts: 6
    just start when you're ready
  • iw2198
    iw2198 Posts: 9 Member
    Start today if your ready. Like they say on the dvd's if you get too tired press pause. You'll know if your ready. I tried it once and for me it wasn't hard but the muscle soreness was difficult to overcome. I have been thinking of trying it again but only doing 30 a day instead of the hour. The routine on most of the dvd's is 30mins than repeat. There are also ways to modify things if you can't do them. Plus they say to just jog in place if something is too difficult to do.