I have been here before. And I lost 25 pounds. I was so excited. Then one thing led to another and I gained it back plus more in the course of a year. Now I'm back, hoping to do it again- but better! But I'm so


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Here's the single link that helped me succeed. Good luck!

    This is all about what you put into it. It won't work if you don't. Find a sustainable approach that works for you. Pick things you love both in your diet and your exercise. :)
  • Here's the single link that helped me succeed. Good luck!

    This is all about what you put into it. It won't work if you don't. Find a sustainable approach that works for you. Pick things you love both in your diet and your exercise. :)

    Yes. ^this.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    But I'm so

    Don't worry, I'll do all the work for you.

    That's what you're asking for, right?
  • Adahbaby
    Adahbaby Posts: 14
    But I'm so

    Don't worry, I'll do all the work for you.

    That's what you're asking for, right?

    Wow. Aren't you supportive.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    But I'm so

    Don't worry, I'll do all the work for you.

    That's what you're asking for, right?

    Wow. Aren't you supportive.

    I support people who are willing to work. I don't support people whining about their lack of motivation.

    If you're not interested in doing the work, then I'm not interested in propping you up or listening to you complain about lack of results.

    Show up ready to work and I'll bend over backwards to help you succeed. But if you've already thrown in the towel? Not sure what you want me to do.
  • BoiNeezy
    BoiNeezy Posts: 227 Member
    Add me
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have been here before. And I lost 25 pounds. I was so excited. Then one thing led to another and I gained it back plus more in the course of a year. Now I'm back, hoping to do it again- but better! But I'm so
    I didn't use MFP to lose weight the first time around, but I DID gain about 30 pounds back. Boy, was I mad at me!

    Fast forward ten months: 40 pounds gone (this means I got back to my "goal" weight plus lost 10 more! THAT's cool!), new eating habits established, weigh all food, log all exercise calories, and I now have those important tools to learn how to maintain my weight within a range that is comfortable to me. No, not a ten pound range either way. but more like a 2 pounds range either way. Oh, and another tool I have is the knowledge that I can eat whatever I want as long as I stay within my calorie goals.

    I'm giving you 100% encouragement. Start doing all the things you know you must do in order to take charge of your weight loss journey. Nobody can do it for you. YES, YOU CAN DO IT!
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    HealthyishWithMaggieG Posts: 397 Member
    I have been here before. And I lost 25 pounds. I was so excited. Then one thing led to another and I gained it back plus more in the course of a year. Now I'm back, hoping to do it again- but better! But I'm so

    This is, basically, my story... except for the lack of motivation. That's why, even though I've lost 12 pounds over the past month or so, my tracker still says I haven't lost anything. (My weight is currently higher than it was when I started with MFP 3.5 years ago, but lower than my all-time highest weight.)

    Really, motivation has to come from you. You have to figure out that you're tired of being overweight and that you're really ready to do something about it. It does help to have friends on here that will Like your status or give encouraging words. It's also important to have friends that give you honest feedback and not enable you to make excuses. So, choose your friends carefully.
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    But I'm so

    Don't worry, I'll do all the work for you.

    That's what you're asking for, right?

    For the record, I'm not asking for you to do the work for me. I'm asking for friends to help me along. I may not record my exercise every day, but I go to the pool for at least two hours a day. I also walk/run for an hour every day. I don't record it all because they overcalculate calories on here. And maybe you think asking for help means I've thrown in the towel and not being motivated means I can't go anywhere - but I'm still DOING the work, I'm just not enjoying it and worried it wont be sustainable without help and friends. I'm not asking for you to do it for me and sure as hell am not asking for YOUR help. If you want to be pessimistic and sarcastic, why even answer?
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    Thank you so much for your words. Really. It's just so hard getting back into ENJOYING what I"m doing to make it sustainable, but everything you guys have said has been very helpful. Thankyou.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    I have been here before. And I lost 25 pounds. I was so excited. Then one thing led to another and I gained it back plus more in the course of a year. Now I'm back, hoping to do it again- but better! But I'm so

    girl just take this one day at time. You are motivated. YOu just came back on here and even reached out for motivation help. It is overwhelming once you make the decision to lose the weight. I know it seems like "hey I lost before with no problem so what is wrong this time?" am I right? been there, believe me. I lost weight four times before so this time when I started I thought the same thing. YOu need to think back to that very first day/week when you started out before. You didn't know where to start but you did indeed start. This is a whole new journey for you. Take that for what it is. Each day you get up, say to yourself "Just for today" and just for that day drink more water, pick a better choice of snacks and foods to eat. Leave those chips/cheese goodies alone "just for today".. when you go to bed at the end of the day.. you know you got one day under your belt. then wake up the next day and try it again. Losing weight is a learning process and its adding lots of new things to your days like acitivity and foods. Don't think of it as limiting yourself instead think of it as adding something good for your body each day. pretty soon the days will turn into weeks and then into months. Make yourself a small goal of losing just 5%, Then when you reach that set up another goal. I think smaller goals help me out tons. I hope this helps. Stay positive and just do it. (like nike says) :flowerforyou:
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    It is hard to get started again, but once it all becomes daily routine again, it should get easier. When something is part of my daily life,I do it without even thinking about it, so it's not as tedious lol! But congrats on starting again and good luck on your journey! :-)
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member

    For the record, I'm not asking for you to do the work for me. I'm asking for friends to help me along. I may not record my exercise every day, but I go to the pool for at least two hours a day. I also walk/run for an hour every day. I don't record it all because they overcalculate calories on here. And maybe you think asking for help means I've thrown in the towel and not being motivated means I can't go anywhere - but I'm still DOING the work, I'm just not enjoying it and worried it wont be sustainable without help and friends. I'm not asking for you to do it for me and sure as hell am not asking for YOUR help. If you want to be pessimistic and sarcastic, why even answer?

    hey just a note: go ahead and log those activites so you can keep track of them yourself. If you don't want to add extra calories you can say they only burned one calorie each. I do this because I am eating at tdee minus 20% instead of mfp's reccomendations. I like to log what I do so I can use the reports later on and see what I did each week.
  • I'm in the same boat. Just remember that you did it before and you know you can do it again! I've noticed that it always sucks the first 3 weeks. Kind of like quitting sugar, smoking, or caffeine. Once you get back in the saddle and re-acquaint yourself with those healthy choices, you will be trotting along in no time. Hope this helps!
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    HealthyishWithMaggieG Posts: 397 Member
    But I'm so

    Don't worry, I'll do all the work for you.

    That's what you're asking for, right?

    For the record, I'm not asking for you to do the work for me. I'm asking for friends to help me along. I may not record my exercise every day, but I go to the pool for at least two hours a day. I also walk/run for an hour every day. I don't record it all because they overcalculate calories on here. And maybe you think asking for help means I've thrown in the towel and not being motivated means I can't go anywhere - but I'm still DOING the work, I'm just not enjoying it and worried it wont be sustainable without help and friends. I'm not asking for you to do it for me and sure as hell am not asking for YOUR help. If you want to be pessimistic and sarcastic, why even answer?

    If you're doing the work (and I'm not questioning if you are or not), go ahead and log it. Don't stress yourself about the details and whether MFP overestimates the calories burned or not. Seeing everything you do, in your exercise diary, helps with staying motivated. And, if you're really worried about the overestimated calories burned, just eat less of your exercise calories back.
  • Forget motivation. It comes and it goes.

    Just commit to doing this.

    Mid October I committed to getting back in shape and losing the extra kilos I was carrying. I've dropped 10 kilos since then and my exercise is now just routine. I'm fitter, leaner, stronger and only a few kilos away from my goal weight.

    I didn't have a lot of motivation, I just decided that I'd had enough and it was time for no excuses.
  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    Hello, so long as you have the want to lose weight the motivation is there just not in vast amount you just have to believe in yourself and keep focused