Motivation from people who have lost more than 50 lbs

I'm 5'2 and around 200lbs, depending on the day. I'm 24 years old and I want to get back to around my high school weight of 130lbs, which is in the healthy range for BMI at my height. (I know I won't have my highschool body, though). I've lost 15lbs already, woot woot, but I'm also a mom with PCOS, anxiety, and a love for stuffing my mouth with carbs as a stress reliever. So losing weight has been a bit difficult.

Anyway, so one of my concerns is that I won't lose the weight, and even if I do make some awesome progress of even just 10-20lbs more, that I'll just gain it again.

How were you able to keep yourself motivated and thinking positively? I've read that 95% of people who lose weight gain it back in 5 years. This terrifies me. I understand that losing weight and maintaining it is a lifestyle change, one that I have been making, but I also don't want to live life struggling with this either. Maybe I can't have it both ways?

What were some lifestyle changes that made this easier for you? So far, I have incorporated yummy smoothies into my breakfast routine, stopped buying bread altogether, make most foods from scratch, and try to take foods I love and adjusting them to be healthier--like having taco salads instead of tacos, chocolate covered fruits instead of a chocolate bar, drinking lightly sweetened tea instead of southern sweet tea or soda, etc. We also moved into an apartment with two flights of stairs just for more exercise, but it only made me realize how much of a homebody I am. But I can get internet access and watch/listen to stuff on my ipad as I do laps up and down them, so that saves a trip to the gym!!

Anyway, please share some of the changes you made!! Thanks :)
