New here and suffering from PCOS :(



  • ziakins
    ziakins Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2004. I steadily gained weight until 2013 when I decided I couldnt do it anymore. My Dr. put me on Metformin in September 2013 and I have since lost 13kg, I have another 10kg to lose to get to my goal weight. I suspect I will be on Metformin for another 3 months at least, then I can start weaning myself off the medication (following doctors instructions).

    Metformin is not a miracle drug. Having PCOS means your insulin production is not as effective as it should be, Metformin helps to regulate it, thats why it is given to people with PCOS. For you to lose weight, you will need to have a healthy diet (this does not mean cutting calories drastically). Generally, it means cutting out foods with high sugar content which take a lot more effort from your body to break down and thus just converts it all to fat. What I would recommend is following a low GI-diet, swapping white carbs for whole wheat alternatives, eating lots of fruit and veg. If possible incorporate some exercise into you're routine.

    My PCOS symptoms were really quite extreme and since losing the weight I have seen them reduce significantly, I hope that once I am at my gaol weight they are almost non-existent.

    If you want to know more about my experience just ask. I am more than happy to support and motivate you because I know how hard it is to lose weight with PCOS. I am still struggling.
  • wateryphoenix
    wateryphoenix Posts: 644 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have PCOS, and from what dragonwolf says I lean more towards the Type 2 side, with the hormonal imbalances. I get the lovely hair in places ladies should not have hair -.- and I have to take birth control to keep my cycle an actual cycle and not some crazed monster that pops up whenever it pleases. =P

    For the most part I lose weight decently, but I have to exercise 6 days a week (even just a little bit) to see results. For the past couple of weeks I have upped my protein and actually have tried hitting it more, and been watching my carbs. It has helped tremendously. Of course, 'lower carb' is like 150g in my case.

    Anywhos. I'm on here often, so feel free to add me! I like active people who are actually trying. ^.~
  • Irma77torne
    Irma77torne Posts: 14 Member
    I wonder whether there is more awareness in the US regarding PCOS than there is in the UK. Here it is seen as mainly a fertility and weight issue. It's much more than that and I've read that they may have to rename it because it doesn't really cover what the condition is about.

    I've had three GP's that have nodded and smiled when I said I have PCOS, but I know they don't have a clue. I am lucky I was even told I had it, via a privately paid for scan. Don't get me wrong I know I am unbelievably lucky to receive free healthcare but things like this are where the great NHS lets us down in the UK.

    Yup, I've been there, GP (UK) smiling and nodding when I mentioned I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early 20's back in Spain.

    Now I'm 36 living in the Uk and trying for a baby. I get sugar crashes if I don't eat every 2 hours or so, I struggle to loose weight, and put it all around the middle and boobs, acne, skin tags, 45 + days cycles, hair loss, so propper PCOS.

    I got blood tests last month, and they came out normal, you know how it works in the UK, if the ressults are fine nobody tells you, you have to phone and the receptionist will tell you that everything is normal. Well, i don't feel very normal!

    No mention to diet, or be careful with high GI foods, he didn't told me to loose weight even if I think I should be 10 kg lighter, just not to gain and keep trying to conceive the traditional way (fair enough, we've started trying in January).

    I didn't want a fertility treatment, just some first hand advice from a doctor to manage my PCOS symptoms since the information out there can be very contradictory sometimes.

    Now I'm eating low GI, exercising, following my common sense and waiting for the best. At least eating like this I don't seem to get sugar crashes. Will see...
  • Lozx87
    Lozx87 Posts: 130 Member
    hi i was diagnosed with PCOS back in 2008 and my doc said there nothing he could do i had to do it on my own and i never really did anything but since January ive lost 16lb you can do it it is hard for the first few weeks but you get over it the way ive had to do it is strict through the week mon-fri i diet saturday and sunday are my days and i do what i want which has helped my as i dont feel the need to "cheat" on my diet. it does work just keep ploding along you will get there