Road to recovery

Hi everyone,

I am a 39 year old Australian woman with two young children, that has rediscovered MFP after 2 years and didn't remember that I already had an account :tongue:

I'm here because I want to log my exercise in an online diary to keep a track of what I am doing. I'm currently 60kg and would like to get to around 55kg again but weight loss is not my main motivation this time around. Getting back to full and proper movement is what I really want.

In November 2012 I had a near fatal accident and fractured my pelvis and back. After a two month stay in hospital with a hip plate and spinal fusion to T6-8, I want to be able to run again although I don't think I will be able to do half marathons anymore. In 2013 I stuck to hydrotherapy and some physio at the hospital gym. They have moved me on to a regular gym and I have a workout designed to work my core, hips so that I never limp again and upper body. Can I just say how awesome aqua aerobics and hydrotherapy truly is. Before my accident I would have scoffed at this but it really gets all the small muscles that normally get overlooked and your core muscles working. It's a great option for people on this forum who are coming back from injury or can't do weight bearing exercise.

Is anyone here doing the C25K program? I'm on week 2 now and enjoying it. It makes my back hurt a little but I'm determined to run 5k again to try and feel like I did before the accident. Best of luck to everyone and I'm looking forward to becoming part of the MFP community.