Can't eat within calories

Hello friends,

sorry if I ask too many questions, but I just need some support. I am a bit desperate, because I can not shift to less calories. Maybe it sounds stupid to you but you know the initial phase where you feel bad about your body image, you are used to eating a lot and 1200-1600 calories sounds pretty less to you. I cant make deficit with sport because of my studies. I dont have the time. I can run outside 3 to 4 times a week and thats it.

But do you have any tips on how to stay consistent? Did you have prblems sticking to a calorie goal. I get frustrated as I see all of the great gyes here eat months and months 1200-1500 claories a day and I cant do even a week of it.

Sorry for whining, but sometimes I just need to whine haha :D

Or maybe I need someone to tell me if it is normal to take so much time for transition.

I am 5 ft 7, 152 pounds and want to be a bit less. Around 130 or so.

p.s. This is not me on the picture. I lookED that way a couple of years ago, now I have some "renessainse curves" (uhhm spelling?) :D

Best regards from Germany,


  • winbig1982
    winbig1982 Posts: 43 Member
    I have a 2yr old , a job and i study but i still make time to exercise to give me more to eat, i cant go to the gym but i do walk to work and to pick my girl up instead of using the car and thats an extra hour of brisk walking a day x i cant stick to 1300 most days so i have no choice, good luck xx
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    I lost on around 1400 cals, it depends how much you want it and then whether you want it enough to just stop wishing it would happen I suppose.
  • beebeeto
    beebeeto Posts: 24
    Thank you :):):)
  • Clash1001
    Clash1001 Posts: 85 Member
    Firstly, make sure you are aiming to eat the right amount of calories - if you've input that you want to lose 2lbs per week, it's possible that this is too aggressive a goal unless you have 75lb plus to lose.

    A good quote I heard on here is 'find the maximum amount of calories that you lose weight in, not the minimum'.

    My calorie intake is set at 1450 however I do eat back half my exercise calories.

    I also preplan my food for the day. If I want a more high cal tea, I'll have a lighter lunch and breakfast.
  • beebeeto
    beebeeto Posts: 24
    This is a good saying! Thank you! I really want to lose that weight but it is f**** hard to do the first step.
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    I think if you want it you enough you will just do it and make the time to exercise.. that's what I did
  • What style of diet are you eating? You can customize MFP to with non-standard ratios of protein carbs and fat. We have found that a 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat ratio (Zone diet) keeps us full throughout the day. You can also adjust your meal titles. Try to have breakfast, lunch, snack1, dinner, snack 2 to keep a more even level of energy without becoming too hungry at any one point. Make sure you are getting enough protein, and have a small amount of monounsaturated fat with each meal (nuts, avacado, olive, etc...) as this is what triggers your brain to make you feel full. There is a growing body of evidence that shows processed wheat and sugar are addictive and trigger a strong hunger response in your body (read Wheat Belly). If you avoid these ingredients in your food, you will be able to eat MUCH more, and especially low-glycemic vegetables (ie. broccoli) which you can basically eat an unlimited amount of!

    Are you drinking enough water throughout the day? This also helps to feel full, and is important you are not retaining water from dehydration to efficiently lose weight~!
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Add some friends who don't mind you looking at their food diaries - that way you get some great ideas as to how to manage your menus within calorie limits and also how people fit their exercise in - it's not all about special trips to gyms etc - it has a lot to do with how you make your current life more active.

    Good luck - we all have to work through these problems and you can too :smile:
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    The first 2 weeks when i started, i always went over my kcal allowance because i was overly conscious of the fact that i should be restricting my food intake and this just made me want to eat all the time. I took my time because i was new to it and didn't even know whether it would work but the minute i started seeing results, you bet your *kitten* that it made for a good motivation. As long as you eat less than you have always done, you should see some result within the first 2 weeks and this, i believe will make you want to keep fighting.

    Don't push too hard and just go with it.

    P:S - I didn't join the gym until i had lost over 20lbs, so don't think YOU HAVE TO start exercising straight away. Do it when you feel that you are ready, otherwise you won't be able to stick to it.
  • beebeeto
    beebeeto Posts: 24
    Thanks! I will stick to it.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    With what you have to lose set your deficit to a moderate .5lb to 1lb per week loss. That should give you more calories to eat each day. Then plan on eating 1/2 your exercise calories back.

    You might want to look at getting yourself an activity tracker like a FitBit. I have found it has helped me get more activity into my regular day by walking more and taking the stairs. I have it sync with my MFP account and enable positive adjustments. So when FitBit estimates my daily calorie burn to be greater than MFP, I actually get extra calories added in MFP. Some days I get an extra 200 calories just from FitBit activity.

    I do find that breaking my calories into 3 meals + 2 snacks works for me, but others prefer a few big meals. You need to figure our what works for your body and your schedule.
  • boshka74
    boshka74 Posts: 23
    When I first started I took the first three weeks or so coming up with a menu of things to eat. Track everything and keep tweaking it's okay if you take some time. After a few weeks of hitting my calorie goal, then I incorporated some exercise and nothing crazy. I would walk two miles two days a week. Over time (couple months) I would add another day or increase distance.

    It does not all have to happen at once so long as you continue to improve. Check out others food diaries to see if you can find some food ideas you would like. Also be sure to get a digital scale and weigh your food don't guesstimate amounts.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've never gone below 1600 calories. I'm 5'5" and 35, and I'm 136 lbs now and lost 2.5 lbs last month, while going over 5 times. My exercise is lifting weights 3x a week for 15-20 minutes and walking 3 miles a day in average.

    Go to and calculate your goal with a 20% deficit. You're probably eating too little.
  • beebeeto
    beebeeto Posts: 24
    Thanks all. I am sitting all day and reading threads about weight loss, looking pics and eventually I got it.

    I just dont have to eat like a bird, 1200 calories a day.

    I want to be healthy and lose the weight slow and steady. I am sick of this disrder ****s. DOnt want to look like a bodybuilder, nor do I want to be pro ana skinny. Just slim, fit and impressive. It is very difficult for me to do the restrictions and I will start with eating 2000 calories a day and exercise.
  • lucacaretto7
    lucacaretto7 Posts: 16 Member
    Well trust me it is not impossible. and here is writing someone who lost about 30kgs by sticking to 1200 calories.
    Let's put this way, the first week it is not easy however from the second week onward everything becomes easier , especially when you get on the scale and you are surprisingly lighter:P .. bear in mind you have not to lose that much :)
  • beebeeto
    beebeeto Posts: 24
    Understand, that is great for you, but I just cant take the first step. I am confused and better do something than every day binge because I cant fit 1200 calories. I go to law school and it is extremely exhausting.
  • Rianna_88
    Rianna_88 Posts: 6 Member
    I would start out slowly, so you can get used to it. Maybe for a week do a goal of losing .5 lbs so you can eat more calories that week, then the next week go to 1lb per week. That way you aren't instantly taking all of those calories out of your diet and it doesn't seem like a shock. Plus it helps to find foods that are lower in calories that you can eat more of, like veggies! That way you can snack and feel full without going over your daily budget. :)
  • abickford82
    abickford82 Posts: 207
    FocusT25, 21 Day Fix, P90X3. I endorse these programs as a coach, but also because they're only 25-30 minutes. Everyone can make time for these. Stay up 30 minutes later or get up 30 minutes earlier. I drip in sweat from doing either of the programs.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Try putting your numbers in here.

    I came up with a BMR for you of 1548 and definitely recommend you don't eat less than that.

    Buy a food scale so you know exactly how much you are eating. Put your exercise into MFP and eat back 50 to 75% of those calories (it tends to overestimate calories burned).
  • beebeeto
    beebeeto Posts: 24
    Wow, this is really cool! :) Thanks :)