working out with sore muscles??

Hi all, i have been on holiday for 3 weeks and did no exercise except for a little bit of swimming and now that i am home i started doing the ufc trainer on the ps3. i did my first workout yesterday, did my warm up and cool down but muscles i didnt even know i had are hurting today! Do i push through and do another workout or skip the workout and do stretches and yoga instead? I dont want to cause myself injury but i dont want to give up either :S


  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    Unless you feel like you've damaged or strained something, its likely you have Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMS) which is quite usual and no reason not to continue with your training program.
  • zapp1
    zapp1 Posts: 5
    If you are not sore to the touch, and have full range of motion, do an active recovery day. Cardio with a lower heart rate or perceived effort than a normal day, and lighter weights if you will be strength training. Active recovery promotes blood flow through the muscles and aids in recovery. If you are sore to the touch, or limited ROM, take a rest day.
  • zenalae
    zenalae Posts: 3
    thanks guys, think i will do an active rest day, some light cardio and plenty of stretches :) hopefully wont take me long to get into my new fitness routine!