I weigh myself everyday.



  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    I weigh daily, and don't let the daily fluctuations bother me. I have found it enlightening to see how diet can temporarily affect the scale, and then it returns to "normal". I find that understanding how my body works enlightening, and it totally removes any stress that weighing daily might create.

    One question for the people who insist that daily weighing stresses them out, so only weigh weekly. What does/would happen if on "week A", you weighed in and it was your lowest weight of that week, then on ""week B", you weighed in on the highest day of the week, and the scale was telling you you gained 3 lbs., but the reality is if you had weighed the day before you might have been down a lb.? Wouldn't THAT freak you out more? Wouldn't you want the data from the other days that proves you didn't really gain?
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    Like on my other topic I gained. Should I weigh myself once a week?? Ugghh i'm driving myself nuts here :(

    If you want to get the most accurate data out of weighing yourself. I suggest continuing with weighing yourself everyday then just do the numbers as an average for the week. for me it might be Monday 203lbs, Tuesday 206lbs, Wednesday 202lbs, Thursday 201lbs, Friday 204lbs, Saturday 204lbs, Sunday 207lbs. Btw that is actual weight data I have from the past week.

    Divide by 7 days=203.85 which I would round off to 204lbs for the past week.
  • getninshape56
    getninshape56 Posts: 42 Member
    I too, weigh daily. It serves to motivate me one way or the other. If it's up, it spurs me on to focus harder. If it's down, it motivates me to continue on. I also know that there are many reasons for fluctuations and don't let it affect my ultimate goal.
  • The daily weighing didn't make you gain, but focusing in the scale and blaming the scale may take up too much of you energy and time. Refocus that energy on tracking your food, and eating at a deficit. That will cause weight loss. If you are accurate and your goals are sound, what you track on paper will be a more accurate measure than the scale. It's so cool to know that you really do have control over what counts!!!!
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I weigh daily, and don't let the daily fluctuations bother me. I have found it enlightening to see how diet can temporarily affect the scale, and then it returns to "normal". I find that understanding how my body works enlightening, and it totally removes any stress that weighing daily might create.

    One question for the people who insist that daily weighing stresses them out, so only weigh weekly. What does/would happen if on "week A", you weighed in and it was your lowest weight of that week, then on ""week B", you weighed in on the highest day of the week, and the scale was telling you you gained 3 lbs., but the reality is if you had weighed the day before you might have been down a lb.? Wouldn't THAT freak you out more? Wouldn't you want the data from the other days that proves you didn't really gain?

    That wouldn't really stress me out. I keep very good track of calories in and calories out. If my log didn't show a 10,500 calorie surplus then I'd know it is most likely water weight. I'd log it, and move on. The next week should show a better number.

    I've had weeks were my deficit shows I should lose more than I actually lost, and other weeks where I have lost more than my deficit would predict. I do sometimes get on the scale mid-week, but it isn't 'official' until my Monday morning weigh in.

    I think everyone has to find out what works for them. Also measure success other methods - measurements, bf%, how clothes fit, etc.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I weigh daily and have for the last ten years.

    But...I know when I am eating right and see a gain it is not a true gain. I also know if I am eating bad and see a gain and keep eating too much and keep gaining it is time to reel it in.

    If you can get over the mindset of seeing a gain now and then when you are truly OP, then it doesn't hurt but if you can't then go to once week.

    The scale can fluctuate for so many different reasons.