people who use exercise dvds



  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    I broke out my oldish Firm DvDs. They're really a great workout, using hand weights & their "firm box" but any aerobics step will do. The Ab Sculpt DVD leaves me sore for days after.

    Give it a try. You only need a mat & a 14" step (any work tbh)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I hated the gym, I've been working out at home for about two years now. I run and use DVDs.
    I've done various Jillian DVDs, Slim in Six, P90X, bits of Insanity, bits of Rockin' Body, all kinds of stuff.
    The beachbody programmes are expensive, but you can find them cheaper on craigslist or eBay. P90X is the best programme I've ever done, hands down.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I can't workout at home to save my life. However, if you are looking for DVD's to do, look at Groupon. They have a few for pretty cheap.
  • moolovesme
    You can also try (the daily hiit), as well as melissa bender workouts.
  • moolovesme
    I've been doing some ZCUT Dvds lately. They're really intense! They also have a calendar, unlike the regular ZWOWs. I think buying the dvds are cheaper than joining the ZGYM.

    Also, since we're on the topic of exercise dvds, I thought of starting a group where we can share what we're doing right now! What do you think?
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    I use workout dads occasionally, like when its really cold or raining (which, honestly, has been all the time here lately). I use Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones which is great, and I do dance dads. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • kcm105
    kcm105 Posts: 50 Member
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Most fitness DVDs are a complete waste of money, especially given there are loads for free online which are not hosted by some dodgy celebrity who is just trying to pull a fast one by claiming you can lose a stone in 5 seconds.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Most fitness DVDs are a complete waste of money, especially given there are loads for free online which are not hosted by some dodgy celebrity who is just trying to pull a fast one by claiming you can lose a stone in 5 seconds.

    Any exercise is better than none surely?! Granted I would prob get more cardio a t the gym but I just can't afford it right now. Tried 30day shred level 1 seems too easy but the side lunges had me screaming! I'm not trying to lose any weight just get in shape
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Most fitness DVDs are a complete waste of money, especially given there are loads for free online which are not hosted by some dodgy celebrity who is just trying to pull a fast one by claiming you can lose a stone in 5 seconds.

    Any exercise is better than none surely?! Granted I would prob get more cardio a t the gym but I just can't afford it right now. Tried 30day shred level 1 seems too easy but the side lunges had me screaming! I'm not trying to lose any weight just get in shape

    I wouldn't worry too much about that poster. If fitness DVDs didn't work, I wouldn't have lost 70lbs.
  • MakingTimeForMeToo
    I have Jillian Michaels DVD's, Bob Harper's and GSP RushFit and love them all! Great workouts for at home.
  • MillyPoo125
    Have your tried Turbo Fire? It's by Beach Body and absolutely amazing!
  • ShreddingIt_84
    My fave are
    30 day shred by Jillian Michaels
    Personal training with Jackie Warner
    Supreme 90 Day
    Butt bible

    Currently waiting on "one week shred" by JM to arrive. :)
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    Need more adds guys :D we can keep each other motivated. I am an active user - online most days to log exercise and food and my diary is open to friends :D Add me :D

    Just started Jillian's 30DS yesterday after finishing my 63 day round of Insanity. I'll help keep you motivated!
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I have NO time for the gym with my schedule - DVD's have been my savior and I have a nice collection now lol i do not use the web for workouts as for some reason my internet gets cut every so often...I can not tell you how angry I would be if I had to skip a workout because of this! My cable company would have me at their door!
    I have about an hour Mom through Fri (occasional weekends) to get my work out in. I run an in home daycare - married and have 3 kids of my own. I am the homework queen among the other duties so it leaves me no time at night after work...nap time is my go time!!
    I am currently hooked on Turbo Jam - (beachbody) I know they are pricey however to me it is worth every penny!!! I have Jillians dvd and I dis like her ALOT I did not get any results from the Shred - I also have hip hop abs & T25. Hip hop abs was ok but I got bored fast! T25 I will begin this summer as it is a shorter work out and my own kids will be home during the day. I started out with Zumba Exhilerate set (gift from hubby) and was obsessed with that for months!!! In fact Zumba helped me lose most of my weight. I have a few others however have not tapped into them yet..

    I like dvd sets because you can mix the up to your liking and it takes longer to get bored with it :)