Back to MFP - Ready to get healthy

Hi Everyone - I am back to MFP, after a long break, and serious about getting fit and healthy. Looking for some MFP friends.
I'm a 54 year old woman and my favorite exercise is fitness walking/walking with my dog and hikes in nature. Lots of computer desk time, slowing metabolism, lack of exercise and a love of chocolate/sweets :-) have packed on the weight over the years. I want to get healthy and fit to enjoy an active life and spend more active time with my family. Current fitness goal is to prepare to complete a walking marathon in June.


  • alexandreariddle
    alexandreariddle Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome back! Feel free to add me, I can always use motivation myself! I'm glad you found your way back and have a goal already set. That will help a whole lot!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Welcome back and congratulations on starting your new journey! :-)
  • GoMilner
    GoMilner Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome back. Please feel free to add me. I am always looking for new friends. I just recommitted this past week, myself. We can do this.
  • JenCHG
    JenCHG Posts: 74
    Welcome! Feel free to friend me the more the merrier and more chances we are likely to stay on track! :heart: I am on everyday, But I do not log food on sundays. :drinker: #Behealthy
  • beachbebe
    beachbebe Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 55 years old and looking to drop 20 lbs by summer 2014 while dealing with MAJOR life stress events - Moving across country, changing careers, sandwich-generation issues.... Just changed my ticker from pounds dropped to pounds to go.
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Welcome back! I am back for a second time and really want to encourage you to look at this journey as one good decision at a time. Count your victories and learn from the things that don't go as well.

    A couple of things that have helped me considerably. First is to use the food/exercise diary like a boss! Seriously, log everything. In fact, I always try to pre-log my food so I don't have to make decisions through out the day or try to remember what I've eaten. I will often do this a couple of days in advance, which also helps with my grocery shopping. Bonus!

    Second, friends. This is my second time around here and I cannot tell you the difference having MFP friends has made in my experience and in my results. I have managed to create a network of wonderfully supportive people who offer encouragement, advice, and truth telling. Sending you a friend request. As you read your news feed and forums and see comments from people who seem to have similar goals and values, send them a friend request. Accept every request you receive. I went super stealth underground my first time around and I believe it was to my detriment. This time my motto is , "The more the merrier!"

    Welcome, welcome, welcome. Best of luck to you.