Tomorrow i will finish my third week of insanity but i dont see results :(
Is too early to pretend results (tone up) ??

Yesterday i was invited to a party and i ate some junk food and now i feel sorry :(
Will this slow down my results ??:(

PS : im doing insanity :::::::: weight: 53 kg height: 168 cm


  • sabrina19782014
    sabrina19782014 Posts: 50 Member
    everyone has an off day (cheat day) so dont feel too bad, Im sure you are getting results just because you cant physically see them yet, maybe your body is working inside out not outside in :)
    Keep it up :smile:
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    everyone has an off day (cheat day) so dont feel too bad, Im sure you are getting results just because you cant physically see them yet, maybe your body is working inside out not outside in :)
    Keep it up :smile:

    Thanks forma supporte me ;)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Things take time, sometimes a lot more then 3 weeks.
    Having a bad meal won't make you fat, just like one salad won't make you skinny. So don't worry about it.
    maybe double check that your weighing and measuring all your foods properly, as its easy to underestimate calories.
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    Things take time, sometimes a lot more then 3 weeks.
    Having a bad meal won't make you fat, just like one salad won't make you skinny. So don't worry about it.
    maybe double check that your weighing and measuring all your foods properly, as its easy to underestimate calories.

    Now i feel better :)
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    I blew it last night too. Dang. I was doing so well! Went way over my calorie limit and I'm so angry at myself for doing so.

    But what can you do?

    Get back on track I guess. I am getting dressed right now and going on a bike ride and burn some big calories.
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    I blew it last night too. Dang. I was doing so well! Went way over my calorie limit and I'm so angry at myself for doing so.

    But what can you do?

    Get back on track I guess. I am getting dressed right now and going on a bike ride and burn some big calories.

    I swear i will never fall again :explode: :angry: stupid junk food xD
  • mrjiggy
    mrjiggy Posts: 7
    Depending on your age and current weight, three weeks is too short a time to see much change on the outside. But you are gaining lots in the way of stamina, muscle building, and endurance. These are very important to getting healthier and feeling better. Keep it up and soon you will see changes in your outer body. You are doing great!!
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    Insanity results really won't start being seen until you hit month 2. I have heard this - I haven't done insanity myself. In fact the discs are still in the original packaging. :blushing:

    One bad day of eating will not ruin your progress. Just get back on track. No worries!
    INSANITYsh Posts: 122 Member
    i thibk that i will not shape my body :(
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    I have insanity...it's a great workout! Did you take measurements before you started? It might be better to go off the tape measure instead of the scale, since you would be gaining muscle.