P90X3 / T25 Hybrid

I am finishing P90X3 in 2 weeks and am soooo excited with my results so far. I want to keep it going, but change it up a bit. I think adding a little Shaun T in will be just what I need! I am starting an accountability group for those that want to try out the hybrid with me or anyone who just wants to do either program again with a group. Let me know if you are interested and I will get you in the group!!

I am always looking for new friends too, so feel free to add me if you just want extra support! :)


  • jmortel1
    jmortel1 Posts: 8
    Hey! I'm actually interested in doing the same hybrid. I will be finishing my last week of insanity this week and really love my results. I want to try out a P90x workout but was wondering what you thought of x3. Is 30 minutes really enough time to get in a good workout?

    I already have T25 and x3 so I'd be ready to start them as soon as next week.