Zumba on Xbox Kinect

jrhose Posts: 30 Member
Hello! I was curious if anyone has done a comparison of Zumba's stated calorie burn and the results screen after a dance and what your HRM displays. I do not have a HRM and usually go off of what the machine says at the gym. When I do my Zumba on Kinect, I usually do a medium or high intensity. Yesterday I did a high intensity for 45 mins and it said I burned nearly 1100 calories. That just didn't seem right to me, so I logged just over half of that.

Anyway - I would love to hear from someone who has tried to validate with a HRM. I don't have $$ for one yet, or I'd do it myself! Thanks!


  • Manjobug
    Manjobug Posts: 28 Member
    It depends on the game you are playing. I have four of the Zumba games for the Kinect. The original Zumba Fitness, Zumba Fitness Rush, Zumba Fitness Core, and the latest Zumba Fitness World Party. Rush tends to run much higher than what my HRM indicates. Core seems to run much lower. World Party is usually within about a 100 calorie range of what my HRM says.

    By the way if you want to be xbox friends my gamertag is Manjobug42384. I always like new Zumba friends - and just cool gamers in general too of course. :)
  • jrhose
    jrhose Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the info. How much higher do you think it runs? I'd like to be accurate in the calories burned if possible. Is it like 75%?

    Also - how to you like the World party?
  • Manjobug
    Manjobug Posts: 28 Member
    I think 75% would be a pretty good estimate for you. Although sometimes it does feel like you burn 1000+ calories in an hour, I just don't see us burning quite that much. :)

    World Party is fun! I like the different styles of music incorporated. Lots more Bollywood - which is my favorite style. :) Also more hip-hop and even Hawaiian - although I am not the best at that style. lol.