I'm Baaaaack!

Foodkop1 Posts: 3 Member
I was doing so well when I first used My Fitness Pal. My Dr. suggested it and I thought I'd give it a whirl. It worked. I lost 27# in about 5 or 6 months. I was 59 yo when I did this ... so I'm pretty proud of myself. :) My Dr. was happy that I lost weight and told me to keep doing what I was doing and I should be fine. My Dr. was not going to be my Dr. anymore ... he was moving to a new position as a Hospital Dr. So I had to choose a new Dr. This was the second time this happened to me within a year - same office - different docs! Sheesh! So now I had to "break in" a new one.

I guess I got a little too confident with my weight loss and I stopped logging on. I thought I could manage without tracking. HA! NOT a good idea! At that same time, I turned 60 yo, the weather got ugly (rain, cold & TONS of snow), so Gizmo & I couldn't walk. I just couldn't make myself exercise on our exercise equipment. Then, our adult son moved in with us when his fiancé broke it off. We gained him, his little dog, and his two children (8 & 11); the kids are only here occasionally - every other weekend and twice a week (at least) during the week after school only, but it does get stressful. My whole life turned upside down and got "messy".

I don't know if that really played a part in my lack of interest in my weight loss program or what. Anyway, I've gained 3.5#. I know it's not much, but I had really hoped to lose another 10# before I saw my Dr. again. I see him in a week ... it will have been 6 months since my last check up. I'm a little depressed.

My clothes aren't fitting as well as they did and I am uncomfortable. Who would've thought that 3.5# would do that, but it has! So, now I am back to logging in AND - good news - Gizmo & I walked yesterday and today. It's bitterly cold, but the snow has melted off most of the sidewalks so we can walk a little. Not as far as we did, but it will get better. Sometimes I have to go into the road and walk, but Gizmo (who walks off leash) stays on the sidewalk and waits for me.

I'm soooo ready for Spring. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed walking until I walked my dog today. It felt so good. So, now I'm going to try and get back on track. Our dinner times are all messed up with the kids coming and going, but I'm gonna try! Wish me LUCK!


  • slugkiller
    slugkiller Posts: 90 Member
    Me too!
    Was successful on mfp but taking my eye off the ball and dealing badly with work related stress have messed me right up! Looking to get back on the straight and narrow - log every day and be supportive x
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    Congratulations on your perseverance.

    Your honesty is so refreshing.

    I for one have to continue logging my calories, otherwise I can not ensure calorie deficit and my body weight will go up.

    Many people do not need to log their calories. God bless them. Unfortunately, I am not in that class.

    You have the right attitude, please continue. If you can not walk, try to do some exercises at home instead. The important thing is to move, be active and do not just seat on our rear end.

    Good luck in your healthy journey