eating your exercise calories??

how many of my exercise calories should i eat?? i know i have to eat atleast my 1200 daily, which i always do. one day i had about 500 left over (after exercising) and lost 1.2 lbs by the next day. another day i had over 900 left over, and i only lost .2 lbs. is 900 too many to have left over? i've heard from some people that you shouldn't have that big of a deficit, anyone have any input?? is it different for every person?


  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    how many of my exercise calories should i eat?? i know i have to eat atleast my 1200 daily, which i always do. one day i had about 500 left over (after exercising) and lost 1.2 lbs by the next day. another day i had over 900 left over, and i only lost .2 lbs. is 900 too many to have left over? i've heard from some people that you shouldn't have that big of a deficit, anyone have any input?? is it different for every person?

    you have to find what works for you. I don't eat mine but then again I don't eat just 1200 calories a day because I can't function on that. I eat 1600 and not what I burn however if I'm hungry then I eat. I don't just eat because i have them.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    It is different for most people, so you'll get a lot of different answers. For me, I found that eating at least 75% of my workout calories (when using MFP's numbers) kept me losing rate at 1 pound a week. When I got a HRM monitor and my calories burned became more exact I started eating 90% of them and still lost at the same rate. Regardless of how much you eat back, you still should eat some to provide your body with enough fuel to function.
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member
    I'm also on 1200 cal. per day, and a dietician that works with my husband told me to eat back half, and that's working for me.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I do eat mine, and I find I have no problem at the end of the day with left over most of the time. Example for me is I ate 2,723 calories last night with over 700 left I didn't eat.

    Everyone is different and the trick is to find what works for you. As long as your body doesn't go in to starvation mode and you get your daily nutrition values. Main thing is listen to what you body tells you. When it really needs something, it will tell you if you listen well enough.
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    Exercise. I hear that you should exercise 4-5 times a week. However I am finding that when I don't exercise I don't lose. Since I have just joined I'm not sure if I am going over my calories on the days I don't exercies. I was concidering exercising 7 days a week, but instead of doing an hour of ellpitcal I would do a 1/2 hour and add a half hour of weight toning. To change things up, and hopeful start my weight loss again since it has been 3 weeks since I lost anything. :-(
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I am having success just eating how my body feels for that particular day.....Some days i have had 1000 left over, others i have even gone over by 100 (oops!) Generally i try to stay close to the 1600 range...i am set at 1300, but looking at different resources, i have found my calorie goal to be about 1700 per day (based on an active lifestyle which includes working out everyday!) So if on a particular day i burn 1000 calories through exercise.....or 400 through exercise i TRY to stay at the 1600.
    ..Hope that makes sense!!! Basically i don't say ok i burned 1000 calories through exercise i need to eat that much more....i just try to stay around 1600 no matter what....and yes there are a few days i have gone way over that number, and others i have been below...I don't know if its right, but its working for me! Good Luck!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Exercise. I hear that you should exercise 4-5 times a week. However I am finding that when I don't exercise I don't lose. Since I have just joined I'm not sure if I am going over my calories on the days I don't exercies. I was concidering exercising 7 days a week, but instead of doing an hour of ellpitcal I would do a 1/2 hour and add a half hour of weight toning. To change things up, and hopeful start my weight loss again since it has been 3 weeks since I lost anything. :-(

    don't change anything quite yet. it takes your body sometimes 6 weeks to get used to a change. You could just log your foods on those other 2 days to see where you are calorie wise.