Making Goals?

katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay so its finally hit me that im gonna do this! Im motivated and im ready! Im ready to give myself some time and to actually get moving!

My thing is, is what goals do i make? As of now im weighing in at 190. My first goal is to actually get into 170's, even if its 179... and to stay there... I have not been in the 170s, actually i havent been past 183 in a long while! so thats goal one. Then my next goal is to get to 163. Which was my lightest weight when i was in the navy. If i get to that i know ill feel good, or great! After that, yea i want to be lighter, but healthier. Maybe a goal of 150, then a final goal of 140-145.
So goals

CW- 190.
1st goal - 179
2nd goal - 163
3rd goal - 150
Final goal - 140-145

What are good time frames for these? Thanks ya'll!!

Oh and please add me as a friend if wanted, all the motivation helps! :)


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    You have broken your goals now very nicely, such that they are each attainable and will further enable you to stay focused and on track. IF you set your MFP goals at 2 pounds a week and follow it, you could easily be at 179 in 5 weeks. Truthfully the more weight you lose, it does seem to come off a little slower along the way, as there are plateaus and losing 1 to 1.5 pounds a week becomes more expected. Making your second goal of 163 more of an 8 week process. But to share, I at 52 (much older than you I see) and I lost my whole goal of 40 pounds in about 8 months time, as I started January 4th and celebrated my goal weight on August 4th. The first 10 came off fast, the next 10 slower, and etc.... You CAN do this and you will feel so much better and be healthier too!
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Hi Katelyn,

    Welcome to MFP. I know you will find lots of support here, I have and it's been very easy to stick with my goals. I have my goals set
    to lost 2 pounds per week and I have averaged losing 3 pounds per week. I am so glad to have found this site. I know you will do great. As for me, I have decided to make it a lifestyle change, not a diet this time around. Feel free to add me as a friend for support. Good luck on your "lifestyle change."

    Take care

  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good luck with reaching your goals! I started my diet on the 5th of May so I'm coming up to the 6 month mark and I've lost 25lbs. But there have been ups as well as downs in that time.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Katelynn, the best part of this journey you are on is that you are in control - you get to decide how much/little weight you lose and how soon. So, you had set a goal to reduce your weight by the date of a wedding, I think (My memory isn't so good, so pardon me if I've got that wrong). You had a specific amount and a date. You worked hard towards that goal. So, setting a realistic time frame to work towards for a special reason is often a good way to motivate yourself. For example, I want to have lost another 10 lbs by my daughter's birthday on 10/22/10 (no particular reason, but I want to reward myself and her by taking her out to a nice restaurant for her birthday). Then, I have a 2nd goal to reduce by another 10 lbs by Thanksgiving - again no particular reason, except that I want to reward myself with the treats that always goes with the Thanksgiving meal. Then my next goal is another 10 lbs by Christmas - again, just want to reward myself with being able to wear nice clothes for the Christmas photos that always occur. Nothing really great - just mini goals for myself that seem to be realistic for me. Only you know what you are capable of and you are in CONTROL! So, just go for it, sweetie. You can do this.

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