So depressed. Help me get to lose 100pds.



  • Bergenblart
    Bergenblart Posts: 23 Member
    Hiya Tasha,

    There's allot of people that would like to help you, including me! :happy: I'll just tell you quickly what my husband and I have done to start losing 1 & 2 stone each (14 & 28 lbs) respectively & what we're cutting out or down in our diets.

    In a nutshell we're trying to stay away from foods that "humans have altered in some way", basically PROCESSED FOODS!! We try to make and eat as fresh foods as possible, we still have a little 'sweet titbits' here and there but we try not to gorge or overdo it. Sometimes when I'm dying for a sweet, I'll just eat one or two chewy toffees or something along those lines. Also, what I've done in our kitchen is to have fruit on the table ready to grab, i.e.; pears, bananas, oranges and grapes.

    Hubby has a physical job, so he's always moving but I run the business from home and can be sitting down for awhile. So I go for walks, lots of walks, if I want bits and bobs from the local shops....I walk. If I have the energy, I walk/jog for half hour or more, but another thing is that I also try to do some weights and sit ups 1-2x/week, it only takes about 10-15 min.

    I feel for you luv, don't depair......just take the advice from others that say "lose weight in mini-goals", it's the best way to break things down over time of whatever you want to achieve. Good luck....xx

    Ahhhh, good luck and bless, I can see your a stunning young lady....xx
  • mdallas6
    mdallas6 Posts: 95 Member
    Have you tried low carb? It's tough the first 3 days but after that, the weight falls off (10lbs the first two weeks), your sugar cravings go away, no hunger pangs, and you will get to where you want to be much faster, without exercise. If you are interested, google the original Atkins diet for sample menus and a true understanding of how and WHY it works. I had 92 to lose and am halfway there. I started in November (with some stalls due to my bad food choices...but that's life!). It's a daily focus but you have to be in a positive mind frame to welcome a new way of life. If you always do what you've always done, you will be stuck where you are right now. Every day counts! You can do this if you are ready to!
  • bignat716
    bignat716 Posts: 18 Member
    I just wanted to thank everyone for their posts. Even though I wasn't the originator, I've learned a lot and now I'm encouraged to have a better week. Thanks again.

  • Stonekerry
    Stonekerry Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me - we're all in this together and I have only just started after years of hating myself and my body. Just decide to start - log your meals, drink some water and smile!
  • Bjamino
    Bjamino Posts: 51 Member
    I probably can't add much to what has already been said but good luck, great advice on here.

    I have lost 98lbs so far, if I can do it that anybody can :)
  • TrainingToBePerfect
    TrainingToBePerfect Posts: 1,418 Member

    Okay so, I've reached one goal.. 5 lbs.. and I now have a current loss of 8 pounds :) You guys are so correct, I've lost all sugar cravings, chips cravings.. you name it. My protein shakes help me so much.. :)
  • pmpmaloney
    pmpmaloney Posts: 17 Member
    Yay!!! Well done...

    I've just joined the MFP community and have recorded my first weight loss today after less than a week - happy days! As a 42 year old bloke with three kids and working shifts, it's been all too easy to reach for the cookie jar or chocolate vending machines at work. However, being addicted to my iphone means the MFP app is right up my street! I find it so easy to record my calories, but also sit and plan my meals days ahead.

    Don't forget that exercise plays a huge part in this too... a quick walk around the block (quick enough that you can feel it, but so you can still talk) is a simple way of burning a few extra calories, and is good for the soul too! If you're walking on your own load up with your favourite tunes, or some audio books, podcasts, whatever and the time flies!

    Keep up the hard work... it will only get easier as you form new habits. Learn to see those sugar laden bad boys for what they are, and it becomes way easier.

  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    How can I start, I'm 23, weighing at a whopping 288 pounds. I'm so mad at myself. I'm so stressed. How do I get to become this person I want to be. I'm too lazy to work out, but I'm eating.. well better. I can consume 1970 calories a day, but to be honest, it seem like so much. If I sometimes don't eat them it says I will weigh less in then I would if I consumed them all. My heart is broke. I've done everything, weight watchers, curves, you name it. WHAT DO I DO! uh
    hi tasha! you ask how can i start? well, you start. stop over thinking it - it's not that complicated, honest. you need to eat less/move more and you will lose weight. If you start out by saying things like "i'm so mad at myself", "I'm too lazy", "I've tried everything" , then you will stay in exactly the same place you are now (or maybe higher weight). but if you start by saying "i can do this", if you start reading some of the amazing success stories here - written by regular people like you - and start reading what people are saying - you wil do this.

    start one day, one pound at a time. start one day, one habit at a time. log everything. weigh everything (except yourself lol!). don't eyeball and guesstimate - weigh your food. read labels! see what the junk food says - i'm not even talking about the lack of nutrients, but read how many calories are in each bag - we often make mistakes on this because they will write things like "only 60 calories per serving" and then you realize that "a serving" is 1/3 of a muffin or a handful of chips and nobody eats that way. i cannot stress how important this is.

    try one habit at at ime - example, drink more water every day. cut down on mindless snacking in front of the tv.

    you got this!
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member

    Okay so, I've reached one goal.. 5 lbs.. and I now have a current loss of 8 pounds :) You guys are so correct, I've lost all sugar cravings, chips cravings.. you name it. My protein shakes help me so much.. :)
    OK i just saw your update - good going!
  • LollyChester
    You can do it - Stop looking at it as 100 pounds, and break it down into smaller chunks. I look at 20 pounds chunks at a time, it helps to not get overwhelmed that way. Sounds like with your update that you have a plus to get you started, but a word of warning with the protein shakes - it is important to remember to eat food. While those shakes can help cravings and get weight off fast - they will not help you relearn how to eat. Best successes to you!