Really frustrated by the scale

It's long, it's a rant, support and help is much appreciated!

I thought I was on a role. 1st week, I lost 3 lbs. Second week, I gained 5?? I'm 2 above where I was 2 weeks ago!

Deatils - I'm at 1650 calories before exercise. Some days I do eat some of my exercise calories back (I did before now, now I'm determined not to eat any exercise calories). I've been as active as I can be. I alternate walking, hiking, kettlebell training, and yoga. 2 exercises a day, more than 60 minutes. Every day.

I eat a lot of natural, whole foods. I follow the 80/20 rule (80 whole, clean foods). My diet is mostly fruits and veggies and I log them all. I get protein at every meal (beans, nuts, avocado, eggs, etc). I drink 12-16 cups of water per day.

I mean...I'm REALLY trying. I'm pushing myself further every work out. I'm not "hungry" so staying in my calorie range is easy as long as I don't encounter emotional turmoil.

And then yesterday I weighed myself expecting a good 2# loss and I was up! I feel so frustrated and disatisfied.

I know, I know. It's just a number. But when you're trying to drop 140# it's a really important number. And I know, muscle weighs more than fat and with all the work outs I'm inevitably building muscle. But, c'mon, not 5# of muscle in a week!

I had a muffin for dinner. Not a clean, healthy muffin. A friggin Costco bakery apple crumble muffin. Why? Becuase my food issues are directly related to my emotions and today was hard. The one good thing I can say is that I stopped there. In the past I would have had the muffin, some chocolate, some ice cream, some cola, and on and on...I did NOT do that tonight.

What do you do when the scale doesn't say what you think it should? How do you not give up?


  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    It's long, it's a rant, support and help is much appreciated!

    I thought I was on a role. 1st week, I lost 3 lbs. Second week, I gained 5?? I'm 2 above where I was 2 weeks ago!

    Deatils - I'm at 1650 calories before exercise. Some days I do eat some of my exercise calories back (I did before now, now I'm determined not to eat any exercise calories). I've been as active as I can be. I alternate walking, hiking, kettlebell training, and yoga. 2 exercises a day, more than 60 minutes. Every day.

    I eat a lot of natural, whole foods. I follow the 80/20 rule (80 whole, clean foods). My diet is mostly fruits and veggies and I log them all. I get protein at every meal (beans, nuts, avocado, eggs, etc). I drink 12-16 cups of water per day.

    I mean...I'm REALLY trying. I'm pushing myself further every work out. I'm not "hungry" so staying in my calorie range is easy as long as I don't encounter emotional turmoil.

    And then yesterday I weighed myself expecting a good 2# loss and I was up! I feel so frustrated and disatisfied.

    I know, I know. It's just a number. But when you're trying to drop 140# it's a really important number. And I know, muscle weighs more than fat and with all the work outs I'm inevitably building muscle. But, c'mon, not 5# of muscle in a week!

    I had a muffin for dinner. Not a clean, healthy muffin. A friggin Costco bakery apple crumble muffin. Why? Becuase my food issues are directly related to my emotions and today was hard. The one good thing I can say is that I stopped there. In the past I would have had the muffin, some chocolate, some ice cream, some cola, and on and on...I did NOT do that tonight.

    What do you do when the scale doesn't say what you think it should? How do you not give up?

    I weighed on March 1st and put the scale away until April 1st.... I was the same way... If weight everyday and get so depressed and discouraged if the scale was up or didn't say what I wanted it to say.... I'd think what's the point...... But my body is changing shape and my clothes are looser.. So I decided to not weight for a month and give it my all and see what happens.
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    It's really hard to say what the reason is as I don't know if you're logging completely accurately (I found when I started using a scale I was like wow okay, I was eating more than I thought!) so that's a possibility. You may just also need to give it more time, you won't lose the same amount each week, some weeks there won't be any loss at all.
    I noticed in your food diary I can't see your sodium levels. I know for me when mine are really high I hold a lot of water weight and have to lower my salt intake. Check that out and see if you're over often.

    Finally what helped me when I hit 2 weeks without any loss was 1) the cutting down my sodium, and 2) I zig-zagged my calories for a few days and suddenly was back to losing again. (Same weekly intake, but have say one day your goal is 200cals less, the next may be the scheduled cals, third day +200 cals, you get the idea) apparently it can trick your body if it gets used to the same things, not sure if that's true but it worked for me.

    Finally, some people say it's good to switch up your workouts, maybe that could help too?
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    Oh right, also do measurements! I can't stress this enough, whenever the scale stops moving for a while, usually my measurements still go down so absolutely do this :)
  • Don't look at the scales: Surely easier said than done of course.
    :huh: I live by the scales and check in twice a week which isn't really a good habit. The scale can make you feel depressed and instantly unmotivated, especially if you have been working hard. I had done insanity for 2 weeks (about 1 week ago) and literally only lost 1 lb but 3 inches off of my stomach. I am 5'3 and 217-- needless to say I was expecting something drastic.

    To stay motivated now... I try to only weigh in once a week (because im in a biggest loser competition) and have recently started taking measurements. Measurements can be annoying-- so I only do my stomach. As long as the inches keep fallin off I'm happy and it's working out well so far.

    Starting insanity again tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    You did not gain 5llbs of fat. Your weight can fluctuate up to 10lbs in a day or month. You could have a temporary weight gain for many reasons including hormones, sodium, water weight, etc.
    Focus on trends, if you are gaining in a few weeks, then you need reevaluate, weigh yourself at the same time, place every week.

    You should be eating 50-75% of your exercise calories, that is how MFP works.

    And I have to say this because other people will: muscle weighs more than fat for the same volume, since 1 pound of fat weighs the same as 1 pound of muscle, the muscle is more dense.

    It is also important to take body measurements and photos, sometimes those will show you your lose even if the scale does not.

    Keep up the good work and you will get there.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    It could be water weight, but, just in case:

    If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:
  • Benelife
    Benelife Posts: 7 Member
    It's really hard to say what the reason is as I don't know if you're logging completely accurately (I found when I started using a scale I was like wow okay, I was eating more than I thought!) so that's a possibility. You may just also need to give it more time, you won't lose the same amount each week, some weeks there won't be any loss at all.
    I noticed in your food diary I can't see your sodium levels. I know for me when mine are really high I hold a lot of water weight and have to lower my salt intake. Check that out and see if you're over often.

    Finally what helped me when I hit 2 weeks without any loss was 1) the cutting down my sodium, and 2) I zig-zagged my calories for a few days and suddenly was back to losing again. (Same weekly intake, but have say one day your goal is 200cals less, the next may be the scheduled cals, third day +200 cals, you get the idea) apparently it can trick your body if it gets used to the same things, not sure if that's true but it worked for me.

    Finally, some people say it's good to switch up your workouts, maybe that could help too?

    I second the scale! It's great to get one and use it to measure out portions. It helps you get a more accurate idea of how much you are eating as well as helping you get an eye for what proper portions are so even if you can't use the scale you'll get a better estimate. I know how surprised I was by how far I was off (especially for things like pasta- where I eat with my eyes) .

    Water retention in relation to sodium intake (or just hormones) can effect what the scale says, too.

    Sometimes it's easier to focus on other measurements (waist, hips, etc.) instead of the scale. Or skip the frequent measurements all together and just focus on logging what you do. Especially if the number on the scale gets you down because it's not where you think it should be.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Others have said it, but to summarize, here are some possibilities: water retention from sodium or hormonal changes or better hydration than your prior weigh-ins.

    Also, the amount of weight in your colon can change quite a lot depending on what you ate, how much fiber, any medications, etc. What that means is that a little constipation can make it look like you gained weight.

    Also, some scales are fickle and if you move them or recalibrate, that can affect the measurement.

    Hope this helps!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    okay this is probably a simple answer to your question: where are you in your monthly cycle??? this is extremely relevant in weightloss. the week after your period is over means ovulation(water weight) and the next week is pms (more water weight) and then tom..ugg. (water weight again) the fourth week is the only week that is free and clear at least for me. the scale is not always the best measurement of how much work you put in. it isn't always accurate and definitely fluctuates each day and even at different time during the day. make sure you take your measurements too. get on the scale only once a week and even then don't get too frustrated as long as you know for sure you are following your plan. it will come off. just be patient as long as you are accurately measuring and weighing the foods you eat and exercising consistently. drink lots of water. not only do all bodies need it but women need it more to help combat the dreaded monthly cycle. :flowerforyou: if you aren't already, I suggest you start keeping track of your cycle so you chalk up higher scale weight days to this . it will save you from going crazy and wanting to throw the scale out the window. (oh yeah maybe that is just me., lol)
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    If your exercise routine is new or suddenly more intense, that can cause you to retain water for several weeks.

    Really focus on logging everything you eat. Weigh all solids as that is much more accurate than measuring cups. If you are truly accurate with your logging it will give you the confidence to ride out the fluctuations. You will be able to confidently say "I know I didn't eat an extra 7000 calories to put on 2 lbs, therefore it *must* be water weight."

    I weigh only once per week. If I get on the scale any other day, it isn't official until my weekly weigh in. And yes, there have been weeks when I've gotten on the scale on Thursday and seen a number, and then had a higher number at the Monday weigh in. But I knew I would see that loss (and more) on the following Monday's weigh in, and that is exactly what happened.

    I also measure monthly. That provides a second set of numbers where I can see success.

    And finally, look for those other non-scale victories. It is easy to focus on the number on the scale, but we are more than a number. Celebrate clothes fitting better, or a smaller size, or being able to do more than you could, or taking fewer medications. These are all things that prove we are healthier than we were before. And really this is about getting healthy, not just a number on the scale.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I've been as active as I can be. I alternate walking, hiking, kettlebell training, and yoga. 2 exercises a day, more than 60 minutes. Every day.
    What do you do when the scale doesn't say what you think it should? How do you not give up?

    1. Is the excercise new? You may be retaining water/gaining muscle. Don't stress, just watch your overall for a month then make tweaks as needed.
    2. I don't use the scale as my judge. I measure my body so I can see the long term changes going on and not the 5lbs I gain the week before my period. Might be a good idea to try for you if the number means that much to derail you - progress is SLOW but it's a better indicator imo.
  • Thanks everyone, for the input and the feedback. There'a an overwhelming trend of skipping the scale and taking some measurements. So, I put up the scale for a month and too my measurements. I'll stick to my calorie goal, keep up the exercising, and check everything again in a month. Doing the best I can to focus on a life time style change and not just expecting loss all the time.

    Guideance is much appreciated!! Here's to a productive, healthy month.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Another thing to remember is that weight loss is not a linear process. You can do the same thing week in and week out and the weight loss will be different between the weeks. And the scale is very frustrating when you look at point to point. It should be used to see what the trend over a longer time period is. There will always be some ups mixed in with the downs.
  • send2thea
    send2thea Posts: 34 Member
    That is a hard blow and I am feeling for you! Perhaps you should talk to your doctor and have bloodwork done to make sure it isn't something hormonal or a medication that you're currently on that's causing the problem. Could be a Thyroid problem--that is really common it seems. My mother and my niece both had problems with theirs.
    I think everyone else has already said it all pretty much. But I do have one question for you---- Before you looked at the scale and got discouraged were you feeling good from working out?
    I know no matter how I feel before I workout, I feel ten times better after I workout and the more I move the more I want to move! I'm tired and sore but it's worth it! As you know it's such a feeling of accomplishment and well deserved success, which if you're anything like me, it's such a change from the normal self hatred. It certainly sounds like you're putting 100% in effort in, so having a doctor check for imbalances might not be a bad idea to get you back on track asap. Best of luck!
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    I started this month at 164 - weighed in at 168 on Friday and now I'm back to 165.4. How? Because it's TOM and I ate a crap ton of sodium filled food. WATER RETENTION BABY!

    Oh and I second/third and fourth recommend weighing your food. I realized that I was UNDER estimating my calories - BIG TIME. 3 oz of chicken is a LOT! I was eating maybe 1.5 oz and logging it as 3!!! So my weight was not moving either way. My body was STARVING.

    This past week I started truly weighing my food and drinking more water. AF showed up and I hope to see some losses for April. I get obsessed weighing every day but I try to remember that the fluctuations are temporary. I am taking measurements, too...

    *hugs* We've all been there!