I bought new jeans for the first time in two years today.

I took a month off of the scale to focus on getting my jog on and getting my tracking under control. I lost four pounds, which made me elated.
Today I was stuck killing time downtown and found myself in a mall. My son fell asleep in his stroller and I decided it was time. I was going to try on pants, my prebaby jeans are still too snug, but my fat jeans are falling off my butt, I took a chance and guessed a size I thought would fit, I grabbed a pair from three different brands and nervously made my way to the fitting room. They all fit, and not only could I simply get them buttoned, they rested on my hips where they belonged. I picked my favorite pair, and then I went back and boldly, confidently, I went back to the racks and I grabbed two pairs of shorts in the same size, one high waisted and retro and one pair of comfy looking cut offs, I didn't try them on I simply pranced up to the counter. I am pretty sure I creeped out the checkout girl I was smiling so hard.
I still have a long way to go, but I'm two sizes closer to my old jeans and I am feeling wonderful. Even if my dinners have gotten more predictable than a punch line from Friends.
Has anyone else recently had a small victory? How long did you all wait to buy yourself some new clothes?
