Hey fitbit users! Do you guys normally log your exercise or just let the fitbit sync? Not sure how to make sure I'm getting the nutrition information correct.


  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I let my fit bit sync. It will add it in if you logged as an activity on fitbit (started the timer) and it would just double log if you add it on MFP.
  • TahoeSki
    TahoeSki Posts: 69 Member
    I let Fitbit count running/walking but will generally log activities that Fitbit has trouble with like biking, skiing or weight lifting.
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    Your fitbit logs walking and general activity throughout the day. Some also log stairs which is a very nice feature. However, the fitbit will not log strenghth training exercises. Fitbit is basically a high tech pedometer but it doesn't measure heart rate it simply measures the number of steps (sometimes including stairs) that you complete in a day.

    To be more accurate, and depending on your health goals there are several other things you can do. If heart health and exercising to your target heart rate are important to you, invest in a heart rate monitor. If simply getting a more accurate daily calorie burn is more important, your fitbit will get the job done. If gaining muscle mass is more important to you (and it should be if you want to increase your metabolic rate) it may be a good idea to log your exercises separately for weight training.

    I know of one diet guru that loves wearing the fitbit but removes it while he is at the gym so it doesn't accidentally add steps that aren't real. It also helps to remove it at the gym if you are an elliptical user. Often with the elliptical the fitbit will not record every step you take because the fitbit isn't jostled enough to record the smooth action of an elliptical. And also you can't wear the little bugger swimming so those workouts will also have to be recorded separtely. I believe there is an app for mfp called swimsense which is a little pricy, but you wear the device and it records swim information.

    Hope all this helps. I did a lot of research before I got my fitbit for my birthday. This is how I personally deal with the fitbit's failings. It's still an awesome little device!
  • donnaleighh
    donnaleighh Posts: 178 Member
    The key point is to recognise that Fitbit and HRM are two completely different things.

    The Fitbit is a pedometer, it tracks your daily steps and some level of intensity, but it does not accurately track your heart rate and does not track all forms of motion effectively - as such it will not give you an accurate burn rate for some exercises - such as cycling, rowing, swimming, weight lifting and gym classes.

    I use it only to track my daily walking - and basically to keep me accountable for doing a certainly amount of steps a day - and it really does that.

    I use a chest strap HRM for all exercise other than walking. The good thing is that the Fitbit will synch to MFP and when you log an exercise using a HRM it will overwrite the fitbit calculation for that period of time if you have it set up right. So it will give you a great read and much more accurate read if you want this.

    Of course an HRM will also help you to set some fitness goals, times, distance, intensity, exertion also.

    So in the end the two are complimentary.

    There is Fitbit group here and if you ask to join there are lots of threads of information.
  • k_sinc
    k_sinc Posts: 39
    I let my fitbit sync acitivity such as walking/running etc, but I enter data from other workouts to digifit. both digifit & fitbit sync to MFP :smile: