6.5 lbs lost in 2 weeks?

So I've been using MFP for a month now. I'm 5'4" with a starting weight of 200lbs. I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 6.5 pounds in the past 2 weeks. My first 2 weeks I can't accurately say because I used 2 different scales but I lost at least 4 pounds. I have my goal set to lose 1.5 pounds per week which gives me 1270 calories per day since i set it at sedentary (I sit at a computer for about 7 hours daily). I log my exercise, well except weight training because it doesn't gives calorie burn. I don't weigh my food as I don't have access to a food scale because I work on a ship. Thats a little faster than I should. Is that ok? I mean I am completely fine with it I just don;t want to be doing any harm. I am a yoyo dieter and I don;t want it to happen again. This time I want the weght to come off and stay off! I'm just trying to not mess it up! Any advice is more than welcomed :)


  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    You will often find a large loss the first couple of weeks, a lot of which will be water weight. So long as you don't expect it to keep up at that rate it should be fine. Good luck :smile: