
I am trying to lose 16 pounds by my wedding the end of May. I am doing the Insanity workouts. I am starting my second week. I have not seen any results. I have terribly low selfesteem and feel terrible about myself. I am trying to watch my portion size and watch what I eat. I lost 30 pounds on Weight watchers 2 years ago. But thats to expensive for me to go back. Will insanity help me? If not to lose weight just to tone up? I never worked out before this last week so I feel I should be seeing some sort of results but I'm not. My bridesmaids are all size 4 and I am an 8. I feel disgusting and ugly.

I have started to eat the Special K products. and things that say "protien" on them. Is this bad? I like to eat things were I know the exact nutrition vs making a dinner from scratch where I dont know how many calories, carbs, weight watchers points. Is this what is hindering me?



  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi, one week is probably too fast to see results.
    Make sure you are logging your food, and do it as accurately as possible, so you get proper nutrition.
    Have faith in yourself!
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    If you make your own food you can still count the calories. You need to weigh everything and then you can input it into the recipe tab to figure out how many calories it is.
    Special K products are probably full of sugar. Not sure what you mean by products that say protein on them? Are you just eating any product if it says it has protein?
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Firstly, good for you Insanity is hardcore. Are you taking measurements and photos? A week is a very short time to be discouraged for not seeing results, if you have just upped your regime then your muscles will be storing water for repair so your weight may not show a drop.
    You can easily lose 16lbs by May but you will need to focus on good nutrition as well as exercise. Try to keep your diet free from processed foods where possible and YES do cook from scratch, you will need to weigh all ingredients and it is time consuming but that way you know what you're eating and not getting all the sodium and nasties from processed foods.
    You have to commit and ask yourself what you want to achieve.
    Your fitness and body composition will improve massively regardless of the number on the scales if you continue with insanity so I would say, keep going, keep logging and keep measuring and taking photos!!
    Good luck.
  • TessMacc
    TessMacc Posts: 31
    Firstly, size 8 is not ugly or disgusting. Try not to feel that way. Secondly, one week would be pretty early to start seeing effects. As other people have said, log food carefully and don't expect to see results happen overnight - some people see it quickly but for others it takes at least 2 or 3 weeks to see any change but then go faster.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am trying to lose 16 pounds by my wedding the end of May. I am doing the Insanity workouts. I am starting my second week. I have not seen any results. I have terribly low selfesteem and feel terrible about myself. I am trying to watch my portion size and watch what I eat. I lost 30 pounds on Weight watchers 2 years ago. But thats to expensive for me to go back. Will insanity help me? If not to lose weight just to tone up? I never worked out before this last week so I feel I should be seeing some sort of results but I'm not. My bridesmaids are all size 4 and I am an 8. I feel disgusting and ugly.

    I have started to eat the Special K products. and things that say "protien" on them. Is this bad? I like to eat things were I know the exact nutrition vs making a dinner from scratch where I dont know how many calories, carbs, weight watchers points. Is this what is hindering me?


    So in 10 weeks you want to be 16lbs lighter...should have started 22 weeks ago. 1/2lb weight loss is healthy for 16lbs...
    You lose weight by a calorie deficet...exercise can give you that deficet but if you eat too much exercise will do nothing.
    Insanity will help you create a deficet and help you lose inches as long as you eat your maintenance or below.

    As for special K protien stuff eh...eat cheese, yogurt, meat, eggs etc for that...

    Now if at a size 8 you feel ugly and disgusting you really need to re-evaluate your inner voice...I mean I am a size 7 so I guess in your eyes I am disgusting and ugly....I mean think about it...there are lots of women here who would love to be in your size...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i gained 2lbs while doing insanity... but i lost fat... keep away from the scales while you're doing it!

    you should have picked some fat bridesmaids to make you look better!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    food products, working out program, etc..are not what leads to weight loss…you just need a calorie deficit for that..

    do you have a food scale? Weight/log/measure everything?

    also, one week in is way to early to determine if your program is working or not…you could have water retention from working out…scale has not caught up to weight loss, or a host of other factors…

    how many calories per day are you eating…
  • kinmoratree
    kinmoratree Posts: 125 Member
    One week is not enough time to determine if ANYTHING is working, much less a diet and workout plan.

    I have read this other places and I believe it to be true:
    It takes four weeks for you to notice a change.
    It takes eight weeks for people who love you to notice a change.
    It takes twelve weeks for the rest of the world to notice a change.

    Log your food, keep your calories in check, get your exercise in. You got this.
  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    i gained 2lbs while doing insanity... but i lost fat... keep away from the scales while you're doing it!

    you should have picked some fat bridesmaids to make you look better!

    ^^^ lol
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    i gained 2lbs while doing insanity... but i lost fat... keep away from the scales while you're doing it!

    you should have picked some fat bridesmaids to make you look better!

    I have nothing to add to this thread. You've gotten good advice. My fav is about choosing bridesmaids. :laugh:
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    You're expecting too much if you expect to see results after one week. Also, you have to weigh/measure/track your food and eat at a calorie deficit.
  • roniredd
    roniredd Posts: 48
    Not enough time to see results ... sorry!
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    i gained 2lbs while doing insanity... but i lost fat... keep away from the scales while you're doing it!

    you should have picked some fat bridesmaids to make you look better!

    I will also add I saw zero physical results in the first 5 weeks of that program. Cardiovascularly I was the fittest I'd ever been, but nada on the weight or measurements front. Just stick with it and listen the rest of the good advice you're getting.
  • turtledove773
    turtledove773 Posts: 122 Member
    Now if at a size 8 you feel ugly and disgusting you really need to re-evaluate your inner voice...I mean I am a size 7 so I guess in your eyes I am disgusting and ugly....I mean think about it...there are lots of women here who would love to be in your size...

    Oh to be a size 8 again!
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    I feel :cry: seeing so much self-hatred. Maybe that's what you should focus on losing. :ohwell: Please feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Now if at a size 8 you feel ugly and disgusting you really need to re-evaluate your inner voice...I mean I am a size 7 so I guess in your eyes I am disgusting and ugly....I mean think about it...there are lots of women here who would love to be in your size...

    Oh to be a size 8 again!

    I said the same thing when I was a 16/18...even at that size I didn't feel disgusted by myself...or ugly...
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm not trying to be mean, but I think your looking at this wrong in some aspects. first of all, it's probably going to take more then a week to see any results for most. It actually took me many many weeks to see anything. But if you look at it like a lifestyle change, rather then just another diet, then a time frame shouldn't matter. You didn't become over weight over night, so can't expect to be slim, over night. It takes time and work. You can eat foods made from scratch, as the databank will help you figure what calories are in each foods.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Rather than concentrating on a particular number (size and weight), concentrate on being in the best shape possible. Insanity should help with that but maybe switch to eating well, too. Not sure your present eating plan will get you there. Concentrate on eating some lean protein, vegetables and a bit of fruit each day. Also include some carbs but don't overdo on those for now. If you concentrate on eating healthy and moving, you'll see some good results. It does take time so just do the best you can. And, by the way, size 8 is good...don't compare yourself to your smaller bridesmaids. We're all different.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Are you tracking your food??? Special K items are ok occasionally but not the greatest nutritionally. A lot of people would love to be a size 8 so you probably won't get much pity. Why not try to like your body and lose weight the right way.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Maybe find a therapist or counselor for the next few weeks.

    Your new spouse will appreciate someone who's confident and not insecure much more than someone who happens to be 16 lbs lighter.

    If you're sitting thinking a size 8 is "disgusting," you're focusing on arbitrary things. A clothing size doesn't determine if someone looks thin or fit. A clothing size should also not determine your self-worth.

    Eat as healthy as you can, I DO recommend continued exercise and hydration to deal with the stress of an upcoming wedding, but I think the real issue isn't the scale, but a state of mind.