Does any one get this?



  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    I would refuse to be self deprecating about it (saying I ate sooo much pizza last night). Instead say"is THAT what YOURE eating?"

    hahaha! Love that response!!!
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    Use science to tell them. You said it, "I'm 5'2 and at 125lbs. I'm on the heavy range for my height. I'm losing weight because I would rather be in the middle of the BMI scale and also so my jeans would fit! My jeans feel rather snug and would like to get back my original weight of 119lbs. " Tell them just that. The medical community says you should be lower and that's what you want.
  • s1rens0ng
    s1rens0ng Posts: 127 Member
    i wish i hadn't told anyone i was on a diet, everyone thinks they can tell you what you can or can't eat?????
  • silverteacup
    silverteacup Posts: 46 Member
    In the early days of my weight loss plan I did get those kind of comments. I got "Look who is eating healthy!". It hurt my feelings and made me feel angry. Anger is a strong emotion so I used it to catapult me forward and strengthen my resolve to become healthier.

    Now it's" wow that salad looks great...what do YOU put in your salads?". I figure I won. :) and the comments no longer sting.
  • discobarbie1971
    discobarbie1971 Posts: 55 Member
    My pet hate is the "go on! One won't hurt" .....well if you add up all those ones that's how I got myself in this state! I just tell people I need to move more and eat less rubbish, its about changing my lifestyle and enjoying an occasional treat rather than it being an unhealthy norm.