Planning Healthy meals!

Hi! I am back and feel like I have to really get serious to get this final 30 lbs off. I am mobility impaired right now and unable to exercise. I need to get both knees replaced and can hardly walk right now. I have a swimming pool but it has been too chilly down here in the Bahamas for me to i haven't been getting any exercise other than hobbling round my house and to the store once in a while. I would love to find some folks that are interested in planning our meals....I am not very organized and feel that if I could get my plan together and buy the necessary items that I could stick with it!!! No more dinners of a small bag of chips!!! Any takers or anybody with a plan that has worked for them??

Peace to All!!


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I'm not always the best at planning, as it takes time, and I'm anal retentive about details, but I usually, I can "plan" my week, leaving me flexibility on the exact days. A friend recently introduced me to a site called Gina makes absolutely fabulous healthier versions of popular and favorite foods. I definitely recommend it. Another site I truly like is Aley's Virtual Gym. She is both online and on facebook. She has some really good recipes, too. I'm walking about two miles a day (I know your mobility prohibits this), but that, combined with loosely being as healthy as these recipes, I'm down 7.4 pounds (and unknown inches) in a little over three weeks! Best of luck to you. Feel free to message if you respond here and I don't see it.