Fell off the wagon

Hey guys,

Many of you guys here will have noticed a distinct lack of activity on my part for the last few weeks.....I started my job and it means I am home very little and if I am it often is just enough time for me to have a shower and go to bed. Anyway, diet has therefore suffered a lot....I missed two of my periods and it therefore spurred me to eat normally and as a result I gained 5 lbs and generally just lost the discipline I once had.....However, these are by no means excuses and I hold myself 100% accountable. I joined the gym on Wednesday and everyday have managed to go even when I finish work at 7.30pm....I have 1 and a half months until my 22nd birthday and therefore want to lost 16lbs in that time so I need to crank it up a gear....I'm hoping that my body got used to eating normally and therefore will stop playing up and that I can once again get back on track.

Once again, I just want to say thanks for all the support of MFP and I need to stop neglecting this amazing resource



  • ferb55
    ferb55 Posts: 45 Member
    Don't worry girl you still look amazing! You're an inspiration to me and I'm sure many others! You look amazing! Get back on the wagon and keep up the good work!
  • LycraLegs
    LycraLegs Posts: 62 Member
    Right behind you! Good job gettin back on it! :oD