Howdy! Back in the saddle again.. or on the wagon... or...

Just wanted to say hello. Back in Oct 2007 I weighed 148 lbs (I'm 5'5" and now almost 46 years old). Anyway, I started counting calories (I'm an accountant so I love my numbers) and exercising and I went from 148 down to 123!!

Happy? you betcha :)

I maintained that new lifestyle for quite a few years. Then a series of unfortunate events happened and I sprang back up to 143 lbs. I decided to buckle down again and am in week 3 of my new lifestyle change.

I'm down a couple pounds (weigh in again tomorrow) and feeling better everyday. For me, food is always going to be something I have to be conscious of or portion control will go right out the window.

BUT I did it once and maintained and I know I can do it again. :)

Thanks for reading!



  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    The story of my life (and a lot of others' lives, too). You'd think I would learn. I think I finally have, thanks to tools like MFP I realize I will probably have to log my food and exercise for the rest of my life. Otherwise the old habits seem to come back.