Looking for friends/supporters!

Hello. I've been out of the MFP loop for awhile. I just gave up. Gained another 20-30 pounds and now I'm back to try it again. Hopefully something sticks this time! I think last time it was the lack of support, so I'm here again to look for new friends/supporters. I'm looking for people who will interact with me at least weekly if not daily. If you don't have time for that, well, you don't. I'm 31 and my self esteem is in the pits. I'm finding myself in therapy, having panic attacks and generally feeling like a failure. I looked back at my life and realized that the happiest times in my life were when I was eating healthy (most of the time) and working out…a lot. Yoga, dance, anything fun! I'm education, fun, and funny. I can throw a bit of sarcasm you're way any day! I generally feel like my goal is just too far away so apparently, I think doing nothing is going to help (right). Anyhoo…feel free to send a request. Having been gone so long I've found most of my friends disappeared, or don't interact with me anymore. So, here's to starting over! Cheers.




  • Hullo!
    I feel ya- When i eat healthy I feel better and just overall life improvement. I also have anxiety as well but thats probably tied to weight?? not sure :)
    But I'd love to be a partner in crime with ya.
    Shoot me a message or friend invite anytime~~
    :) goodluck
  • anonagurl83
    anonagurl83 Posts: 9 Member
    Gee, we sound very much a like!! I'm going to add you as I could use some support also:) I do tend to get busy with the 4 kids but made a promise to myself to make it on here once a day to log and what not.. hopefully more then once though.