30, Heart Attack, Diabetic, Reality Check



  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    With the exception of the Heart Attack, your story is mine. Tall man, early 30's and a lot to live for with my 2 young kids and patient wife at home. Diagnosed as a Diabetic 5 months ago today (10.21.13) - Since its been an incredible journey with ups and downs, but as it was such a huge kick in the teeth, I am making it work!

    This morning I finally broke the 60 lbs lost mark and am only 5.5 lbs from officially being below 300 lbs in 10 years. I will make it a reality soon enough since I have a goal of being below 300 by the time my HS Alumni tourney comes along on 3/29/14!!!

    Thanks for the intro and I welcome your friendship anytime - my brother from another mother!

  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    I'm 43 a mom of 5 boys
    I'm short white American female of Irish/random European descent
    I'm Diabetic (diet controlled because I took control)
    I'm prone to high blood pressure(again I took control)
    I do not have time to BS around
    I'm supportive but if you need a kick in the tush I'm just the girl to give it to you
    and good
    I'm blunt
    and I'm a great cook
    I was diagnosed diabetic in Dec 2013 the doc gave me 2 months to get my *kitten* together or I would have to go on meds
    so I did it
    after 2 months of changing how I eat and move I changed all my numbers

    it can be done
    you can fix this take control of it and with your doctors help and support and your own hard work you can fix yourself

    do not expect it to be easy
    do not expect to go from doing nothing to being a jock
    you will have to go slowly
    the biggest thing you will change is how you eat
    you can indeed find food you love
    just as much as cheese burgers
    (trust me I know because my food love is broasted chicken and chocolate guess what I can't eat?)
    but I have found foods I love that are good for me
    you can do this
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hi Will....Welcome aboard ....I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 but I let tragic things and life suck me in and gained it back plus some .,..I am more determined this time to get the weight off and keep it off for good ....My diary is open and feel free to add me ....best of luck to you in your new healthy lifestyle :smile: