I’ve been on this Apple cider/honey elixir now for going on 6 mo. and I feel great! 6 mo. ago my cholesterol was on the high side at 242 and my LDL was 157. Now my other numbers were ok and my HDL was high enough to where my Dr. didn’t write up any prescriptions for statin drugs. However, he did warn me that if I didn’t make an effort to lower my numbers in 3 mo. with diet and exercise he would put me on them. Now I do work out 3 days a week at the gym and at my age of 54, soon to be 55, I look pretty damn good for being an ole fart. Lol So I did some research on this vinegar/honey thing and was very pleased at some of the testimonials, so I figured I would give it a shot.
Here is my daily regiment daily. Every morning when I first get up, before coffee and food, I mix 2 tsp. of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with 2 tsp. raw organic honey in about 8 oz. of water. Because raw organic honey is thick and like a paste, I first put the honey in a little bit of the water and nuke it for about 20 to 25 seconds. It helps break down the honey. Then add the rest of the water and lastly add the 2 tsp. of the vinegar. Something else that I do in conjunction with this daily elixir is taking Metamucil twice a day. This also helps lower your cholesterol and keeps your sugar levels at a healthy number. The trick here is to down a glass of it before you eat or right after you eat. By mixing this with your food it actually helps sop up some of the bad stuff before it gets into your blood system. I really didn’t change my eating habits, but I’ve always limited myself on the red meats and shell fish, like shrimp, crab legs and lobster, which are all wickedly high in cholesterol. So 3 mo. later when I had more blood work done I was totally blown away at my numbers. My total cholesterol shot down from 242 to 205 and my LDL went from 157 to 130. All because of this elixir! All my other lipid levels were perfect! I’ve read so many other similar testimonials on this stuff and, well from my point of view, this stuff works! Blood tests don’t lie. If any of you have tried this, please share your health experiences. Have a great day!


  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    Now I do work out 3 days a week at the gym

    I believe that this is the reason for your success.
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