3 Day binge . Why?

I've Been super hungry for the last three days and I've been Binging. Anybody have advice and/or know why? Help please?


  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Tough to say.... nutrient deficient, eating your feelings, bored, could be any number of reasons..
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Yeah, I think more details may help. Does this happen often?.where you eating too little, so now feel extreme hunger?
  • Lexandrei
    Lexandrei Posts: 38
    When I was bouncing back from my anorexic stint, I dealt with binge eating and still kind of do. You could be nutrient deficient if you've been low carbing or have something going on in your life that's eating YOU. Are you bored, stressed or tired? I found myself mindlessly snacking when I want to avoid doing something.

    Drink water, a true feeling of hunger is felt in your throat and mouth, not your stomach so even if your stomach is empty it probably isn't.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Based on what you've said? Absolutely no idea.

    What's your height, current weight, and calorie goal set to? Could you open your diary? Do you measure your food with cups/tablespoons, or weigh out your food with a food scale?

    What's your exercise routine look like for the week? Have you just changed it?

    Are you nearing your period or on it?
  • teanerhig21
    teanerhig21 Posts: 8 Member
    Hormones? I have my worst days about a week prior to "aunt flo" and her monthly visit (so gross) Make sure and drink plenty of water because if your dehydrated that could also be mistaken for hunger and cravings.