What do you do when you get off track?!

This weekend I went out of town... and ate junk food...fast food...and did not stick to my diet AT ALL! I felt so discouraged and angry with myself too. Even this morning I told myself... okay...today is a new day... you will start back to eating healthy and drinking water, etc. My friend asked me to go to lunch with her...and I agreed. We went to Whataburger because it was close by to our jobs. I felt like it wouldn't hurt anything since my diet was already messed up. :( I feel so bad about myself. Shouldn't a person have more self control then this? I just threw away the nasty soda I was drinking and opened a bottle of water. I have no calories left for today...so... tomorrow will be a new day! I will just start back over tomorrow! Does anyone else ever do this or feel this way? :frown:


  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    I put the past behind me and plan to pick myself back up the next day.
    Realizing you had rough time and picking yourself back up is the best thing you can do for yourself!
    tomorrow is a new day and dont look back! :)
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    don't let it get you down.. you have realized where you went wrong and that is the first step...
    pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start fresh..

    good luck
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself! Sometimes it's hard not too! Okay so say I eat four donuts for breakfast which I don't really. A lot of time people say okay I will just start fresh tomorrow! No wrong answer start good right away! That day! Enjoy yourself once in awhile. If you had a lot of junk for a weekend just load on veggies and fruits lots of water an green tea!!! Keep going lady!
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    It happens....you just have to start fresh and look at tomorrow as a new day.
    You arent going to derail all the good you did with a couple days that are off. No matter what point you are at you will have a weekend or a vacation that you just go all out and cant let that make you feel like you failed.

    I had a weekend where we went out of town and although I swore I would stick to eating healthy I didnt. When i got back home I jumped right back into it. Let that weekend be in the past and moved forward from it.
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    Chop it up as a cheat day or a few cheat days and get back focus on becoming habit improving your eating habits
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I use the opportunity to identify what does and does not work for me. I figure out something else to do that will lead to a different result: either figuring out how to include the blow-out into my overall plan or avoid the blowout.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Well for starters, you're not going to be 100% super nutrition person 100% of the time. If you think you are then you're pretty much setting yourself up for hard fall after hard fall after hard fall. I rock my nutrition, and I rock my fitness...pretty much 80% - 90% of the time. I understand that I'm not going to be 100% so going off the rails and having a good time now and then doesn't derail anything...in the grand scheme of my lifetime of rocking the **** out of my nutrition and fitness, a weekend of junk food and beer, etc is pretty much irrelevant.

    You really have to look at how you're living most of the time...you can't get wrapped up in the minutia and things you are doing on occasion. It's all about what you're doing most of the time, not what you're doing on occasion.
  • cindym29
    cindym29 Posts: 60 Member
    Try to refocus on your goals, what is it that motivated you before your weekend? Even if you go out, you can opt for something healthier!! and honestly, it happens to everyone, just refocus and start back immediately again. That's what I do every time I fall off the wagon, I just pick myself back up and work out and eat healthy again, even if I initially don't want to.

    But remember how good it feels to eat right and be active! that's what pushes me til my motivation becomes habitual again.
  • LovingLifeInCalifornia
    LovingLifeInCalifornia Posts: 9,362 Member
    You have to forgive yourself and just move on - one meal at a time. Some days I go over. As long as it isn't habitual, you'll be okay. Just brush yourself off, get back up again, and move forward! :)
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    Agreeing with what everyone has said. I second the idea of getting right back up on the "horse" so to speak. So next to no calories available today, don't skip dinner but maybe make it veggie heavy (for me that'd be a homemade salad with a homemade vinaigrette, which for me is heavy on the vinegar lite on the rette, with maybe a half serving of chicken (so 2 oz instead of 4 oz) for protein). Throwing out the soda and opting for some water was a great start. Make it a water day for the rest of the day. Do you have the option of moving more (a walk, a run, some exercise done indoors, etc)? If yes, then do that to recoup some of the calories eaten today.

    This is for a lifetime and you won't be a healthy eater 100% of the time for your lifetime. So throw that concept out the door and shoot for healthy, clean at least 80% of the time. It works and sometimes that other 20% is just what I need to shock my body off the plateau it's trying to stay on.

    You've got this and you can do it!
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    I always just tell myself to get back on track the next day and don't beat myself up about it. I've found that if I beat myself up for getting off track for a day I'll just feel down on myself the next day, and what would have been a one day slip up turns into a week long binge.
  • FinallyDoingMe
    FinallyDoingMe Posts: 84 Member
    I try to get back on track with the next meal making sure it's healthy. We all have our bad days. One burger won't make you fat just like one salad won't make you thin.
  • I have the same problem! lol every time I hang out with friends, all my good habits go away and the bad ones replace them....I guess i just try to not get discouraged and remember to have fun once in a while, yet keep reminding yourself to choose healthy options. It's hard definitely, but it is possible to have a good time, eat right, and not get discouraged!!
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    As someone who used to beat himself up on a daily basis, I tell you to just say hey, I had a bad couple of days, but I'll pick up right here and move forward. Everybody is going to slip from time to time. We're not all faultless gods. We're human and we fall sometimes. Life would be too easy if we didn't.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    This weekend I went out of town... and ate junk food...fast food...and did not stick to my diet AT ALL! I felt so discouraged and angry with myself too. Even this morning I told myself... okay...today is a new day... you will start back to eating healthy and drinking water, etc. My friend asked me to go to lunch with her...and I agreed. We went to Whataburger because it was close by to our jobs. I felt like it wouldn't hurt anything since my diet was already messed up. :( I feel so bad about myself. Shouldn't a person have more self control then this? I just threw away the nasty soda I was drinking and opened a bottle of water. I have no calories left for today...so... tomorrow will be a new day! I will just start back over tomorrow! Does anyone else ever do this or feel this way? :frown:

    I was like that this past weekend. Back on track today. I'm not giving myself any more excuses.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Nothing gets me back on track like a trip to the grocery store -- I love picking out my favorite vegetables and making meal plans! I am so much less likely to cave when I know I have ready-to-eat snacks and meals ready in the fridge.
  • Chop it up as a cheat day or a few cheat days and get back focus on becoming habit improving your eating habits

    Agreed with this one.
  • shelleyangie
    shelleyangie Posts: 1 Member
    Start right back up. Try really hard to be the first one to order when you go out - then you won't be tempted by what your friends order!.
  • Thank you everyone for the encouragement and advice! I ate a apple this morning and am drinking water... for lunch I have a grilled chicken breast and a garden salad! I have some blueberries and another apple for snacks throughout the day. I am not sure what I will be eating for dinner...but I know if will be healthy! I did have a few bad days...but I am back on track! I can do this! The best motivation is to think about summer... I fish a lot and spend a lot of time on the water... I am determined to have the body I want back! :)