Gym HELP!!

Can anyone please give me any ideas on where to start at the Gym. I am a total beginner!!

The Machines are Treadmills, Bikes, Rowing Machines, Eliptical Trainer and weight training machines and weights.

I have no idea what reps to do or how to do what....

Yesterday I started with the Treadmill for 13mins then onto some weight machines but I don't want to just go about it willy nilly.

I'm looking to tone my lady areas (bum hips and thighs) I have a pretty toned upper half already and like not to get my arms too toned or lose my boobs. I'd like to also lose a few KGs along the way.

Any help would be appreciated :)




  • eta diet used to help my overweight friend was here I leave the link
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    Check if your gym has a free "personal training" session available for new members and use it to get acquainted with the areas you want (i.e. dumb bells, certain machines, bar rack, spinning bike, etc).

    Also, check if they have free group classes

    start with what you like and slowly branch out towards new workouts.

    You can also check body for exercise videos.

    Good luck in your journey
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Find yourself a program to follow, there's loads online. If you want to lose weight you will more than likely lose some of your bust, as it's what happens.

    It's a better idea to work your whole body not just your legs.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    My gym had free training sessions included in the initial fee, so it gives you a chance to have a trainer explain what each machine is and does. Of coarse,I didn't realize my membership came with this until months later though lol!! So go up to the desk and ask. I bet they'd rather have costumers using the equipment properly, so they'll probably help. If not, search YouTube and see others using the machines, then you'll get a general idea of what to do on them. Next start searching training plans for beginners and you should find some sample plans to start with. Everyone is different, so goals are going to be different. So it's really hard to lay out a specific plan for a stranger. But I'm sure you'll be fine. Worst case Scenario, just go up and ask another member if you can tag along on their workout so you can get an of luck!! We've all been there! :-)
  • jest1970
    jest1970 Posts: 2 Member
    I like the elliptical. It gives me a total body workout plus my cardio. I am a runner so the treadmill bores me unless I am hill or speed training. Check and see it they have a circuit workout with their weight machines. This is a group of machines that you do for 30 - 60 seconds then do some running on the spot etc then move onto the next machine. Free weights are great too. start light with 8 - 12 reps. Once 12 becomes too easy then move onto a heavier weight and go back to 8. Three sets of each. Good luck as I know gyms can be very intimidating but you'll get it you'll see.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    If it's specifically bums hips and thighs, you might like the book (and programme), strong curves.

    Get that booty in the free weights area and get squatting, you won't regret it :)

    Starting strength, new rules of lifting and Stronglifts are great beginner programmes too.
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    They should have people at your gym to help you with this
  • Thanks loads everybody, you've been a great help :)
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Can anyone please give me any ideas on where to start at the Gym. I am a total beginner!!

    The Machines are Treadmills, Bikes, Rowing Machines, Eliptical Trainer and weight training machines and weights.

    I have no idea what reps to do or how to do what....

    Yesterday I started with the Treadmill for 13mins then onto some weight machines but I don't want to just go about it willy nilly.

    I'm looking to tone my lady areas (bum hips and thighs) I have a pretty toned upper half already and like not to get my arms too toned or lose my boobs. I'd like to also lose a few KGs along the way.

    Any help would be appreciated :)



    I would switch it up! Do a different machine every so often and make sure to engage your whole body into it! I have come to love the rowing machines when I want to give my legs a rest, but I do put a ton of effort into the elliptical and bikes when I want to engage more leg workouts. I do high resistance, low reps per minute on ellipticals (I like feeling like I am trudging through molasses, it makes for a more challenging workout! With the weight machines, I would look at see if there are the hip abductors, which work your inner and outer thighs, any leg machines will be good for you such as the leg press, leg curl and leg extension. If you want a good butt, squat it up!!! Good luck!!!
  • MargaretSans
    MargaretSans Posts: 54 Member
    Does your gym offer free classes? I love cycling for cardio. It's fun trying new classes to see what you like and is great if you like structure. You should pick a body part you want to focus on that day then look up some exercises/machines for that particular part. Good luck!