Can't correct my form on deadlifts :-/



  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Some good tips already mentioned here. I agree with a video would help to see exactly where the form is breaking. But just go through your cues and have someone check or video:

    Some things to check for:

    * Feet positioning ( I tend to be about a foot apart, with a slight angle)
    * Bar close to shins (How close will depend on your bodytype)
    * Arms straight with no bend, shoulder blades pinched back, but still have them over the bar.
    * Think of deadlifts as a push exercise and not a pull. Your gripping that bar for leverage to push the ground away from you.
    * Chest out, but back. Drive with the hips. If your shoulders start to shrug, it will round your back.
    * Drive hips through the bar, especially when past the knees
    * Eyes and head position is neutral
    * Lock out, descend slowly with the hips until past the knee then lower. Stop. reset, move to the 2nd rep.
    * And last, be explosive, even on your warm up reps. Make the reps as violent as possible.

    You want to try and make the bar path as vertical as possible and the shortest distance possible.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    The number one thing that helped with my form was remembering the mental cue in of "im just going to stand STRAIGHT UP". once i focused on standing straight up, all i have to do is keep my chest up (puffed out) and form sticks if the weight is correct.

    but you mention too much rounding, is the upper back or lower back? upper isn't of major concern if the weight you are pulling is close to your max, but if you de-load say to 25-35% less than your 1RM and still have upper back rounding that's not great.

    obviously you never want any lower back rounding at any weight. i

    I'll remember this, thank you!
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    Get a Sensation of Pushing you Booty Out First, that will set you up for a better form

    Got it, thanks!
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    *kitten* out
    tits up.

    it's a good cue- but really it means get really wide through the rest- pull the shoulders in and down- to open that chest up- neutral head- and the butt is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

    then stand. pulling the bar straight UP as you stand- it mostly just comes a long for the ride.. well- pushing the ground away with your body is probably a better way to look at it vs pulling the bar up- people here pull and want to get their arms all up in it and that's a quick way to snap a bicep.

    video's are helpful.

    Very good advice. I'll keep this in my head when I do my DL. Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    Some good tips already mentioned here. I agree with a video would help to see exactly where the form is breaking. But just go through your cues and have someone check or video:

    Some things to check for:

    * Feet positioning ( I tend to be about a foot apart, with a slight angle)
    * Bar close to shins (How close will depend on your bodytype)
    * Arms straight with no bend, shoulder blades pinched back, but still have them over the bar.
    * Think of deadlifts as a push exercise and not a pull. Your gripping that bar for leverage to push the ground away from you.
    * Chest out, but back. Drive with the hips. If your shoulders start to shrug, it will round your back.
    * Drive hips through the bar, especially when past the knees
    * Eyes and head position is neutral
    * Lock out, descend slowly with the hips until past the knee then lower. Stop. reset, move to the 2nd rep.
    * And last, be explosive, even on your warm up reps. Make the reps as violent as possible.

    You want to try and make the bar path as vertical as possible and the shortest distance possible.

    More really amazing tips! Thank you! I'll have my form right in no time thanks to all of you! :smile: