Back and ready to try again!

Hi all,

I am back at it again, the never ending weight loss roller coaster ride... 5 years ago I lost 96 lbs on WW and ended up pregnant with baby #2 gained back half of what i lost and have not been able to really focus on me since. I am ready and focused, I am trying MFP again because it is the cheaper option, WW was always great for me because it offered a lot of support at the meetings but I just can't afford it. I started losing weight in September so Ive been at it for 6 months and have lost 33 lbs. I have 49 lbs to go and am hoping that getting back online with MFP and meeting new people who are as focused as I am I will help me be able to reach my goal. Please add me as a friend or message me if like me having supportive people to talk to helps.

Good Luck everyone!
