New and stuck

I'm new to this site, but definitely not to dieting. Since having my second son I've put on 50 lbs, and CANNOT get it off, no matter what I do. I'm frustrated. I eat clean, organic wholesome food, between 1200 - 1600 caliries a day, and the weight won't budge. I keep reading that I need to up my calories to rev my metabolism, but find I gain weight when I eat over 1800 a day. I'm slightly active, as much as I can be considering I work full time, manage a house, and take care of a baby and a toddler. I run Twice a week for 40 minutes, and usually do some activity ( snowboard, hike, raquet ball) on the weekend with my husband. I know weight training would work in my favor, and I'm planning in starting this next week. Does anyone have any insight on how I can get beyond this slump? The fact that I have 50+ lbs to lose and can't even lose 5 is VERY discouraging! Help me anyone!


  • ToogieTuesday
    hi Tnyakhan, and welcome! I just joined today as well and so far I'm feeling pretty optimistic :)
    I agree with you that weight training will make the difference that you're seeking. Before I would only stick to cardio, pilates and hiking as my main source of exercise and never really saw the results I sought after. It was as though I was losing weight but didn't look healthy (skinny-fat). A couple of years ago my husband gave me some strength training excesses to do at home with resistance bands and a couple with free weights and that's when I finally started to see actual results in my problem areas (back, and arms) therefore I know it makes the difference for sure :)
    I think there's a misconception about weight training that if you do it you'll look bulky and big...but on the contrary what it does is it builds the muscle slightly so it burns the fat faster and tones the body in the process (double edge sword).

    You can add me as a friend if you want... Support is always an encouraging factor when you're starting a new goal.

    Keep it up, Success is right around the corner :)
  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    Hi, i know the feeling of not being able to lose the weight but trust me it you monitor what your eating and how much exercise that your having, I found that after I did this i changed a few thing and started to lose weight in my case i started eating more pears, but my wife stopped eating bananas and she started to lose weight.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    In order to lose weight, you have to be in a calorie deficit. The only way to know you are in a calorie deficit is if you are weighing and measuring your food as precisely as possible. If you are not using a food scale, you can't be sure about what you're logging. I thought I was very precise, but I was wrong. Get a food scale and start weighing all your solid foods.

    As far as exercise, it's important to health and body composition. The most important thing is doing something you love so that you will just do it. Lifting is great because it will give you fantastic results without a lot of time spent.

    Diet first though.

    This link is VERY helpful: