Beautiful Blues 9/27/10 NEW MEMBERS WELCOME

MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all,

Here are the weigh ins for this past week. Sanifrey and onmyweigh have the highest %lost this week, and onmyweigh has the highest overall total % lost. Congrats ladies on your great job!


We are also accepting new members and we are a great group of people who love to share about health and how to stay fit.

I am home now from my trip, and can't wait to make great choices this week by incorporating more exercises and logging my foods.


  • Hey,
    Is there anything I have to do to be in the group? I'm 23 and I'm working on my last 10 lbs (those stubborn suckers) after losing 20 and would love a new group to hear some more inspiring stories and to do some encouraging myself! I have blue eyes, if that counts for anything...
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    MT--welcome! Just check in with us frequently and send your weight to maylan on Friday to get on the chart. We have lots of fun!

    I hope everyone's weekend has been great. I have been trying to work on my diet and it is definitely harder with food aversions. Cottage cheese sure is hitting the spot though. I currently feel as though I have forgotten how I did it before, I need to figure it out again...

    Here's to healthy foods!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    MT- Hi, and welcome to the group! We're doing weigh ins on friday like Debnu said, and you can PM them to me.

    I just saw my DVR'ed Biggest loser episode and it was very moving. Every year there is a group of big people on the show, and I realized that if those people don't keep up their lifestyle they can gain it all back. But, the show is exciting to watch and keeps me motivated.

    I'm off to bed now, so I can have energy for my workout tomorrow.

    Take care all and remember everyday is a new day to make good choices.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good morning all,

    Had time this morning for a short workout so completed 20 minutes of the 30 day shred level 1. I'm off to work now. Will post later and catch up on posts.

    Take care all!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning! Need to head to work, but just wanted to pop my head in and say howdy! Monday - a new start to a new week. Here's to smart choices!
  • Hey everyone!

    So I normally do weigh ins today (but I'm switching to Thursday with you all this coming week) so I stepped on that scale and BAM - from 140 to 136.8! Whoo hooo! So excited as I've been stuck at 140 all of September! All I needed was to change up the work outs a bit! I've found my love of running again but it's supposed to be raining here in NYC ALL WEEK! Grumble! Oh well, will have to find some good instant watch fitness DVDs on Netflix to make up the cardio workouts. I definitely want to be this close to 135 (the official high end of a HEALTHY weight for my height!! Ahh!) by Thursday when you all weigh in.

    Happy Monday! Smile and sweat today!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    MTDork- Nice job on the weigh in this week and congrats on being on your healthy range. I'm in NYC as well, and it's definitely not nice outside for a run. Are y ou doing any races soon?

    I was going to skip my lunch workout b/c I was feeling upset about something, but talked myself into going and it definitely made me feel better. Funny thing is I forgot to bring a sports bra and socks, so I workout with a bra under my shirt and no socks- just sneakers. Go figure! I'm learning not to use food as a means when I feel upset or down- I mean there are other ways to de-stress like having a good workout.

    Well, back to work for me. Have a great day all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Congrats MTdork! You are doing awesome. I am dreaming of being at the high end of a healthy weight. Soon I will be there.

    I picked up the book Transformation by Bill Phillips at the library. Talk about motivating. I am going to attempt to set all new goals. Ones that are lifetime and pregnancy worthy and go from there. I am actually feeling like a human today. Wow, I forgot how it feels to feel good. I then made myself a high fiber protein shake and now realize why I have not done that for a while. Things don't flow very fast through my stomach. It was sooo good though. From the BL book simple swaps it uses OJ concentrate some vanilla protein powder and almond milk. It was like an orange julius! My daughter even loved it!

    Keep up the great work!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just popping in to say hi and keep from eating any more supper. I am headed to a women's meeting at the church, and don't want to eat any more here so that I can have a treat there. So all of you are helping me right now. Thanks! Have a great evening!
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Hey Blues,

    I hope all is well. Glad to see a new member. I am going to make it a goal to check in a bit more this week with you guys. Hopefully I can be up early enough to actually get a weigh in this Friday (been waking up a bit late and pretty much running out of the house to work). Sleep seems so appealing since it is getting colder here now and it is so nice after doing homework and stuff after school.

    Let's hope that it isn't raining too much tomorrow so that I can get a good ultimate workout in.
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Hi there.
    My name is Kenzie and I would love to be part of a group like this. Got room for one more? It will be great to have stories and support of other members.
  • MTDork- Nice job on the weigh in this week and congrats on being on your healthy range. I'm in NYC as well, and it's definitely not nice outside for a run. Are y ou doing any races soon?

    Ahh races. I'm terrified. I'm still fairly new to running (about 5 months) and I just feel like I'll be making a fool of myself at the big bad NYC races. Where are you in the city? I'm in midtown west so I do my running in the park.

    Also - Hi to foxfirekenzie, can't wait to get to know you!

    And thanks for all the congrats everyone. I've been smiling all day :-D
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Come on in Kenzie, We always have more room!! Just PM your weight to MayLan on Friday to get on the chart. Welcome!

    Maneyes, I am with you. I have the hardest time getting out of bed when it is cold outside. I sometimes wish I could hibernate. Give me a blanket, a blizzard and a good book and I could be more than happy!

    MTdork. The races have all kinds, walkers and runners usually. The first one I ever did was the race for the cure, which is a run/walk (a ton of people too) It was great fun. I tend to like the smaller, community ones. I don't like feeling like I am in a stampede!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Kenzie- Yes, there is room for more. Just jump right in, we're glad to have you.

    MTdork- I've only starting running recently and did 1 5M race so far in central park. It felt pretty great- that day it was humid and I walked in between b/c of the heat. But finishing it was a great experience. The NY Road runners has a calendar with various races of different lengths, 3miles, 4miles, etc. I live uptown, but work in midtown near central park. I'm currently using my work gym during lunch and taking advantage of that extra time to burn some calories.

    msh- Great choice on logging your foods and making healthy decisions.

    Debnu- There is a popular walking dvd called Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds which I have heard great things about. I thought you might like that one, since you mentioned walking.

    maneyes- Hey, glad you are doing okay. I know how it is with getting up in the nick of time. Let us know if we can help in anything.

    Hmm, I'm thinking of what workout program to do now, p90x, insanity, maybe a hybrid. I also want to do some running in between to strengthen my stamina.

    What workout program is everyone doing here?

    Have a great day all, and I'll post later after my lunch workout.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Mayra, I really like leslie sansone. She is a lot of fun, and I can get her on demand. I did it last week when I drove my daughter to school. I figure it is a good standby for when I don't get exercise in other methods. I think you should set up yourself a hybrid program. Run once or twice a week, do insanity and the strength portion of p90x. Just write down your schedule so you don't wonder what you should do.

    I better go check on my son, he has been getting into a lot of stuff lately!!
  • This morning I said "screw the rain!" and went running anyway. It was a lot of fun and I feel good.

    Maylan - Thanks for the site, I'll definitely be in to try one of the easier ones that will be less crowded. I'm also starting 30 day shred on the 1st. Has anyone else tried it?
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    MTDork- Way to go on the run this morning. Wohoo! I love the 30 day shred! It just works out every bit of my body, and includes cardio and weights. I love anything with Jillian Michael's as she always kicks by butt. I did not complete it, but Have it and use it. I also lover her Banish fat boost metabolism dvd- it always made me drip in sweat.

    Did 35 minutes on the gym bike and feeling good today.

    Back to work for me, take care all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    30 day shred is awesome. You will be surprised how fast your body will adapt to it...Have fun!

    The last race I ran was in a downpour. It was the best ever. I wasn't hot or thirsty, I was all wet! I will never think those people running in the rain are crazy again...!
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! I don't actually even own a scale, but I will get to one by Thursday to get the numbers in to you. Thanks so much!
  • Hello everyone I am new to this also, i started about 2 weeks ago but was eating very bad so i decided to get with the program and stop eating what is hurting me. I am currently 358.8 lbs and I am motivated to start losing. Wish me luck..
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