Home workouts???

Does anyone have any home workouts that work well? I do workout videos but would like to have other exercises I can do!


  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Depends on what you like - however my favorites with great results are Zumba Activate & exhilerate lost most of my weight with these ~ and my newest Fave is Turbo Jam (great results so far with this!!)

    I have done 30 day shred (no results really & hated it)
    Hip hop Abs was ok but got bored FAST
    Have T25 - started and had to stop due to surgery but I liked it will do again soon
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Do you have any equipment or are you open to buying any equipment? There are loads of options, but first thing that comes to mind is body weight strength training. There are a couple of great books out there....Body Weight Strength Training Anatomy, Convict Conditioning, You Are Your Own Gym.

    Youtube has lots of videos.

    Research circuits and make some circuits for yourself at home.

    neilaray.com has a great document of at home workouts that you don't require equipment for.

    Get outside and do sprints, walk, run. Find a hill and do uphill sprints. Find a playground and use the equipment to do strength training.

    The options are endless and that is without any equipment. Add a few pieces to your arsenal and you have even more options.

    Good luck :)
  • kscouten
    kscouten Posts: 40 Member
    I wouldn't mind getting equipment. I go to school and have access to the gym there but I do have a son and the days I can't get to the gym just wanted some strength workouts for home. I started running 3 times a week. I am just looking for advice on home workouts! I appreciate all the information you have given!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Nike Training Club app
  • OK - you may think me crazy (I think I am crazy) but I have just started the Insanity workout program. Is there any other female embarking on this journey that could be a motivation for me, someone to suffer along side me and share in the agony :o)

    I've done the fitness test and am doing my first workout tonight - a little nervous :o/
  • davidhooie
    davidhooie Posts: 8 Member
    I haven't done T25 but I hear great things about it and it is only 25 minutes long so that's always nice! LOL I've been doing the new P90X3 because it is only 30 minutes each day and I think you have to like the "trainer". I enjoy Tony Horton's sense of humor and the fun he puts in his workouts!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member

    Seriously, try it.
  • sagordon
    sagordon Posts: 8 Member
    Venus Index, weightlifting for women. There is a website, check it out!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I use my treadmill right now along with my free weights. Once the weather gets better my cardio is outdoors.

    It has worked well for me.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I have weights, a mat and a fit ball that I use regularly at home. Before I hurt my knee I used to jumprope in the house as well.

    I also used play time with my daughter to workout, chasing her on park equipment, climbing, or using the step on a play thing like a step workout. My daughter was also a great weight and loved to be bench pressed or put on my feet and I pressed her to ceiling :) It even helped her, her balance was so good she could actually stand on my feet when she was older. Or stand on my hands, tell you that is some workout.

    I would also swing her between my legs. she also jumped rope with me, jumping in and we would go for like 30 minutes. 30 second breaks when we messed up, LOL.

    FYI, she did ballet too, she knew how to leap and at 19 (thin thing she is) still leaps into my arms.
  • tbgree00
    tbgree00 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't know how far along you are but I really liked Power 90 as a starter routine. It's around 45 minutes done by Tony Horton and is the precursor to P90X. The videos get a bit repetitive but the moves are solid. I dropped 20-30lbs doing that. He uses dumbbells, cardio, yoga, and abs pretty effectively. If you're a little stronger and want a challenge to build more muscle P90X3 is 30 minutes and really good.
  • kscouten
    kscouten Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks to everyone. I will be looking into everything you guys have shared!
  • lttappenn
    lttappenn Posts: 40 Member
    Check out www.nerdfitness.com. They have some great home workouts that involve just your body. Very simple and effective.