Not losing weight

Am I the only person on this website NOT losing weight? I could just cry with envy and frustration. What in the world are you all doing out there that I am not doing? My guess would be eating right and exercising but I could be wrong. I hope I am wrong. I like to think your lives are filled with vats of wine and platters of rich food but still managing to shed pounds on a weekly basis.
I need friends! how sad is that? good thing I am not using my real name otherwise one day when I run for public office they might use that statement against me. Please friend me and say nice things to me so that I too can be part of this happy band of people losing ridiculous amounts of weight and showing off. I too want to show off.


  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
  • Of course you are laughing! as would I be if i had lost the amount you have! Do you have any butt left to laugh off? So green I am not ashamed to admit it!
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    It does take time before you start to see results. Are you combining your eating program with exercise?
  • I am eating well below the calories for the day and exercising like a demon. A rather slow and lazy demon perhaps but a demon none the less.
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    I have a jiggly butt with lots left to lose! It takes time, dedication and alot of food! Eat more to weigh less! And btw it was a friend lmao ..
  • Like Denise said, it does take time to see results. I lost 38 pounds about a year and a half ago. It took me about eight months to lose it through a combination of diet and exercise. The key for me was tracking everything I ate and my daily activity. Once I started tracking, I realized that all those little things I was eating throughout the day were really adding up to a lot of calories. Awareness is a powerful tool.

    Once I hit my desired weight, I stopped tracking, and I started gaining weight. That is why I am here -- to get back into the habit of tracking. I have resolved in my mind that tracking is going to have to be a lifelong activity if I want to maintain a healthy weight.

    I wish you success in your journey.
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    Then you are not reporting everything that you eat/drink and/or you are not measuring things correctly. Eating constantly at a caloric deficit will cause weight loss, you're not above the laws of thermodynamics. You must be honest with yourself about everything you ingest.

    I would watch the show (can view on youtube or daily motion) Secret Eaters. It's a UK BBC show about people who claim to eat healthy and exercise, but don't understand the weight gain or lack of weight loss. They're honestly not aware of how much they eat a day. The show documents them for 2 weeks and reveals to them in video evidence their ways.
  • slither
    slither Posts: 8
    Hey im not losing weight either...I and did cry this morning when I finally weighed myself after killing myself for three weeks eating right and power walking and drinking lemon water and my 8 glasses a day....still nothing...I almost gave up..
  • slither
    slither Posts: 8
    and Im not a secret eater...I record every little thing...but still nothing...:(
  • I sent you a friend request.

    Don't get frustrated! Good things will come! Just keep up the great job!
  • If you are eating well under the recommended calories you may not be eating enough. Do you wear a Heart Rate Monitor to count the calories you burned while excersising? This will help you quite a bit as you will know exactly what you burned and how much extra calories you get for the day. You can get them quite cheap on E-bay.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    EXERCISE.... Try 30 min walks 4-5 days a week to start.
  • FatAsh88
    FatAsh88 Posts: 1 Member
    You may not be eating enough calories. If you dont eat enough your body goes into starvation mode and you will gain weight.
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    It's gonna sound rude, but it's not meant that way. Neither OP nor the other person complaining (albeit with a great sense of humor!) actually have open diaries. People cannot give you actual advice based on anecdotal heresay. Also, WEIGH everything...don't just use the eyeball or the measuring cups/spoons. It does make a difference.

    Feel free to look at my diary. It's open for all, I consume too much sugar, but wth. I've still lost 56 lbs total and am going strong.
  • Im just starting, but I feel your pain. It is frustrating when everyone around you seems to be achieving their goals but you. Hang in there and don't give up your time will come.:wink:
  • SaraC1977
    SaraC1977 Posts: 51
    Other than the obvious, lower calories and more exercise, if you are already doing those things, it's possible you have a thyroid issue. Sometimes the weight just will not drop due to medical attention needed. it's possible you need medication to regulate your thyroid. If you feel you are doing everything right, I would see a doctor to rule that out. You might be working your butt off for nothing without medication. If the your thyroid is fine, then I would follow the suggestions already posted in this topic string from others.

    Good luck!
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    You may not be eating enough calories. If you dont eat enough your body goes into starvation mode and you will gain weight.

    Not true, please disregard. How many fat, starving third world children do you see on those tv commercials?
  • Am30168
    Am30168 Posts: 5 Member
    I can certainly understand that. I feel the same way but this time I refuse to give up. So even if the only I manage to do is tone up and not jiggle, improve my circulation and mood....I am going to keep at it. But I know that it is extremely discouraging. Look for other things that you can gain from this...such as the things I mentioned above and focus on those and not the scale, otherwise you will always want to give up :smile:

    Best wishes
  • karlbaxter
    karlbaxter Posts: 5 Member
    I am eating well below the calories for the day and exercising like a demon. A rather slow and lazy demon perhaps but a demon none the less.

    why not do one or the other.. instead of punishing yourself :)
  • mkroberger
    mkroberger Posts: 25 Member
    Have you tried cutting back on the carbs and increasing the lean protein? That is what body builders do when the are getting close to their competition date, even though they are working out like crazy! It's really hard for me, but cutting back on carbs to between 50-100 grams seems to help. Good luck!