Time to stop losing... time to start re-shaping

Seeking suggestions.

Through limiting calories and an affinity for cardio, i have basically gotten to my goal weight.

Now I am stumped.

I plan on starting to lift to reshape my body but am unsure on what direction to take from a caloric standpoint as i understand that building muscle while limiting calories is less than ideal.

Should the approach now be to set my caloric goal to maintenance and start the weight lifting program, with the idea in mind that will need to eat back any calories burned exercising.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.



  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    Well now that you're at your goal weight you can go in maitenence mode. I dont know where your daily limit is now, but you can probably up it about 500 calories a day. especially if you're lifting. Your body will nom on those calories and feed your muscles, you will probably even get a little smaller while either maintaining the same weight or maybe even gaining a little (that is NOT a bad thing). I suggest taking measurements once a week while you a toneing and shaping, its fun to have actual data on what your body is doing.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I would up calories slowly so you don't overshoot you're maintenance mode. It's definitely changed since you've lost weight :P I would slowly up by 50-100 calories a week while lifting and see from there. Make sure you're getting about 1g per pound of lean body mass of protein and proper nutrients. Then, slowly up to a small surplus to start the process of building muscle. It's a long process but you should be lifting now. I've been lifting through my weight loss and I into my first bulk. It will definitely make a difference in body comp
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Lifting all along would have been helpful, but no sense living in the past. You can move to maintenance and lift heavy and maybe recomp, but it's slow. Best advice is to up your calories to TDEE+10-20% cut the cardio to a minimum, and get on a heavy progressive barbell routine like Stronglifts or Starting Strength. Make sure you're getting plenty of protein and build some muscle.
