Need Help

Hello my name is Kelly I am new and wodering can someone take me under their wings nd help me get started would like to loose 35 pounds need a partner who can help and lead me.


  • There are so many people here who would love to do just that!! Just jump in and get both feet soaked!! I've been here for over a month, and I get nothing other than support and encouragement ... And most important ... Honesty! Welcome!!!

  • hybris
    hybris Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Kelly!
    My name is Miriam and I started in Feb with my plan to loose 32kg.
    I'm halfway there, so I guess we're kind of in the same boat pound wise ;-)
    You can enter your daily calorie goal in my fitness pal. That worked for me very well.
    And exercise, exercise, exercise. It re-shapes the body nicely.
    Best wishes from Sydney!
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    Kelly, Welcome! I totally agree. I've been here for a week or so... SOOOOO much support and encouragement. Click around the site, read blogs, play with the everything. You'll have it figured out in no time.

  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I just started a couple of days ago also and I love how everyone is so supportive and helpful. just be honest with yourself and track all your food intake and exercise. the inspiring thing for me is if I input my food, it spits out what I will weight in a month if every day were like that so it keeps me on track better than anything else I have ever used. I am a weight watchers lifetime member who lost 30 and am not at goal right nwo and need to lose about ten more to get there although I want to lose 20. good luck and I will add you as a friend!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    The simple thing is, no matter what you do, just log what you eat and work out if any. Just logging what you eat will help you more than anything else.
  • conloudes
    Thank you.
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Kelly,
    You can friend me and we can send messages back and forth. Just right down what you have been eating everyday. I have been on this site for just over a year you can do this.:smile:

  • Brat3073
    Hello my name is Kelly I am new and wodering can someone take me under their wings nd help me get started would like to loose 35 pounds need a partner who can help and lead me.

    Hey Kelly,

    Im be happy to take you under my wing (so to speak), i am in no way a professional, trainer ot nutritionist, but i am learning what works best with me! Feel free to send me an email of what your goals are, and ill help you out in anyway i can. Add me as a friend also!
  • conloudes
    Hello Debie thank you for helping me. I am just starting this morning I have weighed in @193.0 I have had 1 cup of coffee and will have oatmeal in about an hour.My goal is to loose 40 pounds or more and I would love to just see the first 5 go. Send me whatever you think may work and maybe you and I can dod this together.
  • Beebee78
    You will find so much help and support here.

    Good luck on your journey xxx
  • Brat3073
    Hello Debie thank you for helping me. I am just starting this morning I have weighed in @193.0 I have had 1 cup of coffee and will have oatmeal in about an hour.My goal is to loose 40 pounds or more and I would love to just see the first 5 go. Send me whatever you think may work and maybe you and I can dod this together.

    Will do hun, check your inbox......
    and yes, God is very Good!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I just added you. I'm recently new and we can do this together. Glad to have you here on MFP!

    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • conloudes
    Thanks girl lets do this......Keep me posted as I will keep you posted on a daily basis