Carb Crazy!

I am having a difficult time with carbs! It seems like the majority if my diet consists of nothing but carbs! I see the healthier protein options but it's like a compulsion.. It's like a drug I can't shake. I can tell myself I don't need it but choose it anyway then beat myself up afterwards. Any solid tips or tricks to counteract this?


  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    How many carbs do you eat a day?

    Do you have a reason to not want to eat carbs?
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    I set my macros to the following:

    Carbs 30%
    Protein 25%
    Fat 45%

    Try eating nuts, greek yogurt, and the like. Get more fat and protein any way you can. :smile:
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Make yourself eat protein with the carbs to start - put some tuna or cheese on crackers. put some chicken and parmesean cheese in your pasta. Stuff like that. Successful transformations are usually gradual not cold turkey
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Depending on your activity level and what you do for fitness, getting the majority of your diet from carbs isn't necessarily a bad thing. How much protein and fat are you aiming for?
  • ltgordon526
    ltgordon526 Posts: 15 Member
    In my experience, the more carbs you eat, the more you want. I was amazed in the first two days of my weight loss when I was trying to detox from carbs, as soon as I got a solid day behind me with NO carbs, I had tons of energy and didn't crave them. As soon as I ate carbs, the cravings came back. I find that a good rule of thumb is one serving of carbs a day? Other people scoff and say eat as many carbs as you want as long as your calories are in check, but I find that carbs cause addiction responses in me, where I need more and more. That's the only thing I ever want to binge on. And if I eat processed, refined carbs, forget about it. I find that a half cup of brown rice, a sweet potato, a serving of squash- these foods don't trigger the same compulsion to cram my face until I can't cram anymore.
    My two cents :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What kind of carbs? I'm guessing you are not talking vegetables and fruits, but are you talking cookies, cakes and candy or things like rice and pasta and bread?

    Sugar is a really tough thing for many people to control. I found giving it up entirely for a while beneficial and now I can have the occasional treat without wanting to devour every gram of sugar in the house.

    Grains are a bit easier, I think. I just concetrate on high fiber and add protein to the dish. Beans and rice is a high carb dish that also provides protein. Add a little shreded cooked chicken to up the protein even more.

    Add meat or tofu to pasta sauces. Add beans or cubes of cooked chicken to pasta salads. Try high fiber (low net carb) wraps instead of bread for sandwiches. Use brown rice instead of white (more protein and fiber). If you don't like brown, try mixing it half and half or adding a little wild rice.

    ETA: Also, check out Fiber Gourmet pasta - ultra high fiber and only 1/2 the calories of regular pasta without the gritty taste of whole wheat.
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    In my experience, the more carbs you eat, the more you want. I was amazed in the first two days of my weight loss when I was trying to detox from carbs, as soon as I got a solid day behind me with NO carbs, I had tons of energy and didn't crave them. As soon as I ate carbs, the cravings came back. I find that a good rule of thumb is one serving of carbs a day? Other people scoff and say eat as many carbs as you want as long as your calories are in check, but I find that carbs cause addiction responses in me, where I need more and more. That's the only thing I ever want to binge on. And if I eat processed, refined carbs, forget about it. I find that a half cup of brown rice, a sweet potato, a serving of squash- these foods don't trigger the same compulsion to cram my face until I can't cram anymore.
    My two cents :)
    This is my experience too. I don't see any reason to restrict carbs as long as you stay within your macros. But I find it very hard to stay within my calorie goal when I eat processed carbs especially earlier in the day.
  • amycorr11
    amycorr11 Posts: 11
    That's exactly how I am! If I start the day out eating carbs I crave them the eat of the day! I try to do a little protein with the carbs but I do best when I start out with Greek yogurt.
  • amycorr11
    amycorr11 Posts: 11
    Thanks for the responses :) I'm not trying to go low carb or no carb but when over 70 % of my diet consists of them and I'm not losing I know something's gotta change. I guess it just boils down to better food choices and that takes some reprogramming of the mind.
  • ltgordon526
    ltgordon526 Posts: 15 Member
    That's exactly how I am! If I start the day out eating carbs I crave them the eat of the day! I try to do a little protein with the carbs but I do best when I start out with Greek yogurt.

    Girl, greek yogurt is my lifesafer. I just had a bowl of chicken tortilla soup (no tortillas- carb free so far today!) with a heaping tablespoon of greek yogurt. I use 0% Plain, and I use it in place of sour cream as well as with honey or fruit for sweets cravings. That's a super super food. I have had the most success trying to explore foods to discover other things I like, away from the go-to carbs, and my cravings have totally changed. I want savory things and soups and chicken instead of sugar sugar sugar bread like I used to 100% of the time. It was a very slow process for me but I just tried every day and now my carb intake is super low and I hardly ever think about them.
  • ltgordon526
    ltgordon526 Posts: 15 Member
    "Super low" might border on a lie- I had a baked potato yesterday and it was amazing, and I also had a couple of corn tortillas (not the best choice). For me, it's the processed, refined, simple carbs that are the devil's own food. Lol.
  • amycorr11
    amycorr11 Posts: 11
    Yep.. My trouble is with the sugar/white flour carbs. I try not to buy them at the grocery store but when I'm hungry it's the first thing I grab when I'm out and about!
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Thanks for the responses :) I'm not trying to go low carb or no carb but when over 70 % of my diet consists of them and I'm not losing I know something's gotta change. I guess it just boils down to better food choices and that takes some reprogramming of the mind.

    I use to eat a lot of carbs, heck I still do! lol

    I shoot for 45% carbs right now, it is more realistic until I start getting used to eating more protein!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Thanks for the responses :) I'm not trying to go low carb or no carb but when over 70 % of my diet consists of them and I'm not losing I know something's gotta change. I guess it just boils down to better food choices and that takes some reprogramming of the mind.

    If you sacrificed some of your carbs for protein, I bet you'd see some positive movement in the scale. Carbs cause water retention. Not trick other than to just make yourself do it, though. :flowerforyou:
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    Depending on your activity level and what you do for fitness, getting the majority of your diet from carbs isn't necessarily a bad thing. How much protein and fat are you aiming for?

    ^^^This... I'm a long distance runner. I need carbs as fuel. I'm aiming for 65% carbs.
  • captainheadkick
    captainheadkick Posts: 27 Member
    I'm with you! I love bread, and anything sugary sweet.....and potatoes!

    I've had to trade a couple meals each day with protein shakes to break that habit. It's working for me so far, and now I will slowly start to reintroduce some breads to my diet, like Dempster's Ancient Grains Bread with Quinoa.

    It's tough, but you can do it.
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    I aim for 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein. When I consistently hit my macros, I have no trouble staying under my calorie goal and losing weight. The biggest thing for me is planning ahead and having a good snack between meals. And I have found that a cup of green tea really helps diminish non-hunger cravings, especially in the afternoon at work or in the evening.
  • amycorr11
    amycorr11 Posts: 11
    If only I was a runner!! Haha but I think 45 % carbs would help me out tremendously.. And planning my snacks accordingly. Maybe I need to stock up on string cheese and peanut butter for my salty/sweet cravings. I'm so glad I'm not alone on this and that others have conquered my same battle and came out on top. :)
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    In my experience, the more carbs you eat, the more you want. I was amazed in the first two days of my weight loss when I was trying to detox from carbs, as soon as I got a solid day behind me with NO carbs, I had tons of energy and didn't crave them. As soon as I ate carbs, the cravings came back. I find that a good rule of thumb is one serving of carbs a day? Other people scoff and say eat as many carbs as you want as long as your calories are in check, but I find that carbs cause addiction responses in me, where I need more and more. That's the only thing I ever want to binge on. And if I eat processed, refined carbs, forget about it. I find that a half cup of brown rice, a sweet potato, a serving of squash- these foods don't trigger the same compulsion to cram my face until I can't cram anymore.
    My two cents :)

    If by carbs you mean simple ones from bread, crackers, pasta, etc., then this is me absolutely. I don't have the same problem with fruit or veggie carbs. I kicked the simple carbs and dropped the cravings.
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    I am a carb addict! Always have been - What helped me was realizing I am gluten intolerant!

    Pay attention to WHEN you are craving carbs... have you waited to long to eat? Are you starving? If this is the case, being a carb addict- you will want to reach for the quickest food that will cause you to 'feel' full ... often including empty calories such as croissants, bagels, crackers, cookies, bread in general... don't give in !

    So how do I deal with craving carbs? I eat small snacks...

    I eat breakfast between 8-9 ... by the time 11 hits, I am starving so I reach for a piece of fruit like an apple or banana... between 12-1 I will have lunch which is usually a big salad but along with it, I make sure I have my protein so I feel full !

    It is a good rule of thumb to NOT deny yourself ALL carbs - Try to cut down to once during your day and you will find your body will stop craving it as much! Plus, youll look forward to it and it will become a 'treat'.

    When it comes to dinner, I often skip the Rice/potatoes and pile my plate with veggies- I love such as spinach, brussel sprouts, asparagus, snap peas etc. when I skip the carbs, I often have enough calories left to have a snack before bed which is the time I become really hungry, so its worth it !

    Hope this is helpful for you !