Does sugar matter?

tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I am always going over sugar. If I eat two or three pieces of fruit a day, I go over the allotted 33 that MFP recommends. Should I cut out a piece of fruit??


  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    I have thought the same thing. I always go over on my sugar by about 15 grams.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Watch added sugar - fruit sugar is not bad for you!
  • I was frustrated by this as well. I want to take sugar off my tracker, but I am concerned about how much I take in. So I have to keep it there as a reminder. The other day I had a medium apple--17 sugars!!! That's about half for the day. I went over for that day and I barely had anything typically known to be sugary. That was kinda discouraging. :(
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    I wonder if you should ONLY pay attention to added sugar. I eat a York peppermint patty mini almost everyday. It's how I get my fix. I am losing weight pretty steadily. So, should I just not go over 33 of added sugar or is that too much??
  • I only worry if I'm eating too much REFINED (white) sugar, but I focus more on Total Calories. If you're losing weight, I wouldn't worry about it. If you are not, then you might need to change some things. :)
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    Sugar is not the top of the list of things to worry about. However, if you are trying to slim your waistline or lose those last few pounds, then yes, you should worry about your processed sugar intake.

    When you consume too much processed sugar, then your body produces a hormone called "INSULIN". Your body will keep producing insulin because it assumes that you will continue to consume large quantities of sugar. As a result of high levels of insulin, this causes your body to store fat in the belly area. Therefore, your waistline will be rather large (and not tone as you may want). This is one of the causes of belly fat = a large consumption of processed sugar.
  • For me, sugar was that one element that I didn't monitor after the "big three" of Cals/Carb/Fats. After I did stop monitoring though, the weight started coming off. Generally, sugars can be categorized into natural and unnatural sugars. I've basically learned that all sugars count toward your daily limit but the natural sugars found in fruits tend to come with fiber, vitamins, etc.

    I think Hizara said it best regarding Insulin -- too much sugar (for me at least -- even from non-fat foods) kept me from losing weight. Remember that there is no "one size fits all" and that everyone is different. You should experiment with decreasing your sugar and see how your weight reacts. :)

    Good luck!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I agree about the sugar. It's in just about everything. Today a Yoplait Light yogurt put me "over the top" sugar wise. All fruit has plenty of sugar -- especially the really delicious ones like peaches and pears. It's not like we are eating cotton candy or chocolates! I mean really -- I'd much rather be enjoying ice cream or a piece of Godiva. But this is why MFP is so great. It opens up our awareness of what our eating is all about. Yes, sugar does count. Even the sugars in fruits. Moderation -- not elimination. I guess that is one of the keys to long term success.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I never understood MFP's recommended allowance for sugar. I get that they're trying to cut out the added sugars in our diets, but it seems so low to me. Fruit is good for you. And many veggies have sugar in them too, but it's all good sugar. Don't worry about it so much. Just keep focusing on healthy.
  • I've been reading thru the posts regarding sugar. The majority of everyone is talking about 'refined sugar'. Do you also realize that foods that contain carbohydrates turn to sugar in the body? I am talking about fruits, veggies and whole grains, (bead, rice, pastas, etc.) Carbohydrates are not bad for you, but they do need to be measured. Your body needs a certain amount of carbohydrate for energy, but you must control the amount you consume. This is especially true if you have the diagnosis of diabetes --any type (1 or 2 or maybe borderline). Better product choices and reduced portions are the ticket. It's not all about the sugar in your sugar bowl. Carbohydrates are found in many vegetables, fruits, juices, milk, yogurt and of course, sweets.
  • I've been reading thru the posts regarding sugar. The majority of everyone is talking about 'refined sugar'. Do you also realize that foods that contain carbohydrates turn to sugar in the body? I am talking about fruits, veggies and whole grains, (bead, rice, pastas, etc.) Carbohydrates are not bad for you, but they do need to be measured. Your body needs a certain amount of carbohydrate for energy, but you must control the amount you consume. This is especially true if you have the diagnosis of diabetes --any type (1 or 2 or maybe borderline). Better product choices and reduced portions are the ticket. It's not all about the sugar in your sugar bowl. Carbohydrates are found in many vegetables, fruits, juices, milk, yogurt and of course, sweets.:happy:
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    If the sugar is natural in the food you're eating, use in moderation just like everything else. I measure everything...

    BUT, if you can rid yourself of added/unecessary sugars such as the following: replace white or whole wheat bread with Ezeikel sprouted breads, replace milk with almond milk, replace any sweetners (white sugar for example) with stevia.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Unless you are diabetic, sugar from fruit is fine. It is processed and refined sugars that you should be concerned about if high. If it bothers you take it out because you are focusing on healthy overall.
  • Well, today I baked an apple and used it for my breakfast. When I logged it contained zero sugars. However the same raw says 17 sugars. Sigh.

    I am concerned about my sugar intake so I will limit my fruit to the 3 servings a day. Green/and leafy veggies seem to satisfy veggie requirement with very little to no sugar However if I am craving and can't stop I will try fruit over processed. After reading responses now I am actually glad that MFP includes it. I noticed that my pasta, fruits and most snacks have sugar. So I know where I have to cut back .
  • Okay so I just looked at the last 4 days. I noticed that most of my sugars are from fruit drinks even if I only drink 8z. That and as I said before snacks plus that darn apple lol. I can't get rid of my apple, but the snacks and drinks can go. I shouldn't have them on a regular basis anyhow. It's time I ween myself off for better results.
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