Experiences with Propecia

Not sure what category to put this in but was wondering if anyone had any good or bad experiences with Propecia? Forest is starting to look thin up top. Someone suggested looking into it. Anyone?


  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    Lots of side effects with this one. Especially for guys concerned with sexual performance as well as muscle growth. I refuse to use it for those reasons. I like my androgens, thank you very much. Better bald than be one of the 5%-20% of men with severe negative side effects (the number varies depending on source).

    Opted for Nizoral shampoo + rogaine instead. I'd like to keep my androgens as high as possible. Propecia isn't exactly selective in what it blocks.
  • JnK619
    JnK619 Posts: 320
    I use it everyday!