I've passed judgment



  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member
    I think most of us except for the angels amongst us [smiles], have at some point passed judgement several times in our lives, so dont stress too much.
    I for one put off my own journey as i had well over 100lbs to lose and kept telling myself it would take forever and i would never do it, so i put it off and off. In june 2013 i had enough and made a commitment to self to at least try. TBH yes its been 9 months but wow i have lost over 100lbs. and 50lbs of that since i joined MFP in october. The time has flown by and im the healthiest i have been in years and still have a bit to go but i understand when you have a long journey ahead of you it is easy to become despondant. The one promise i made to self was that i would allow myself to have the occasional stumble but that i would not allow myself to self sabotage.
    Whether your journey is losing, gaining or maintaining, i wish you well. To the writer of the original post, thank you for reminding me that we all have issues with weight here and we should simply support one another, life is hard enough without anymore judgement.
    Have a good day all:bigsmile:
  • Emi1974
    Emi1974 Posts: 522 Member
    *sigh* I guess I have to admit that I do judge people... but...but... when I see really skinny people ( not athletic but very very thin) running, I think to myself : "Oh, for crying out loud, sit down and eat something. You don't need to lose more weight"

    I realize they might not do it to lose weight... Sorry for judging you :blushing:
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    I appreciate this as well. I also have an added perspective.

    I lost about 105 pounds a few years ago and have kept it off with little effort - I would just eat and work out a lot. No tracking, etc.

    I stopped when I got to around where I am now with the good intentions of taking a break over the summer. Those 3 months turned into about 3 years.

    I now have between 10-20 pounds to lose and it feel so much harder than the 100 lbs did. So. Much. Harder. The road for 100 lbs can be long but the road for 10 lbs has it's own stupid challenges!!

    Thanks for posting ;)

    Congrats on the success! I hear all the time that the last 10 pounds are the hardest to lose. I wouldn't know from experience yet, but hopefully one day I will and I can ask you for tips :)
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm guilty of this .. Thank you for keeping me humble, OP! Well said :)
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    I think most of us except for the angels amongst us [smiles], have at some point passed judgement several times in our lives, so dont stress too much.
    I for one put off my own journey as i had well over 100lbs to lose and kept telling myself it would take forever and i would never do it, so i put it off and off. In june 2013 i had enough and made a commitment to self to at least try. TBH yes its been 9 months but wow i have lost over 100lbs. and 50lbs of that since i joined MFP in october. The time has flown by and im the healthiest i have been in years and still have a bit to go but i understand when you have a long journey ahead of you it is easy to become despondant. The one promise i made to self was that i would allow myself to have the occasional stumble but that i would not allow myself to self sabotage.
    Whether your journey is losing, gaining or maintaining, i wish you well. To the writer of the original post, thank you for reminding me that we all have issues with weight here and we should simply support one another, life is hard enough without anymore judgement.
    Have a good day all:bigsmile:

    Congrats on your success too! I was hoping to be down some lbs. at this point (after all, it's been a month since I've joined), but I'm only down inches. While I'm happy to see success in some form, inches aren't going to get me out of the prediabetes stage I'm in right now. I've got to figure out how to get some weight off. I know I don't always make the best decisions when eating, but for the most part, I'm always under my calorie goal. It may be only 1-2 days a week I'm not. I hope to be able to say by the end of the year that I've lost 60 pounds. MFP is helping though! Great to have so many supportive people around.
  • lmjblues
    lmjblues Posts: 117 Member
    This is a great thread! Thanks for posting it and thank you to everybody that has responded. Very inspiring!! :happy:

  • ibjent
    ibjent Posts: 23 Member
    A few years ago I lost over 80 lbs, one day while out eating in a public place I overheard some say, "why is that skinny (insert ugly word here) drinking diet soda?"..... It made me remember all the times I wondered why skinny people were drinking diet soda. Only this time, I knew why... Crazy, huh.... You never know the road someone else has traveled.....

    Great post!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member

    Congrats on your success too! I was hoping to be down some lbs. at this point (after all, it's been a month since I've joined), but I'm only down inches. While I'm happy to see success in some form, inches aren't going to get me out of the prediabetes stage I'm in right now. I've got to figure out how to get some weight off. I know I don't always make the best decisions when eating, but for the most part, I'm always under my calorie goal. It may be only 1-2 days a week I'm not. I hope to be able to say by the end of the year that I've lost 60 pounds. MFP is helping though! Great to have so many supportive people around.

    What you may not realize is your body is using its fat stores but you may be building muscle (especially if you are doing exercise) as well. The fact that you are losing inches is a sign that your body composition is improving. I bet if you had a body fat % measure to start with, it is down a bit by now. Too many people focus on just the weight numbers... but there are many 'skinny' people who have an unhealthy amount of visceral fat and too little healthy muscle and bone and don't realize it. Call the inches lost your NSV and you can look at the 'glass half full.' You are on the right track to reverse your pre-diabetes so, Good For You! Hang in there!
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    I've never really had a problem with this. Even though I come from a long line of husky people, my best friend since grade school is VERY thin and used to get called anorexic by jerks in school. (Not even close to true...trust me...this girl eats more than me.) I watched her all through high school desperately try to gain weight. My husband is also thin and he wants to DESPERATELY be one of those muscle men. Arnold Schwarzenegger is his hero. He even has his book and he was so thrilled when he made it to 180lbs at 6'2". We're all on our personal journeys to be the person we want to be and I think think it beautiful this site helped you see that. Whether you're here to lose weight, gain, or maintain I'm here for you guys! YOU GOT THIS!
  • jeeplovin
    jeeplovin Posts: 96 Member
    Great post, and replies........really makes you think, before you judge. Everyone is fighting their own demons. Sometimes, we forget that.