New Here-Adipex, Depression, Migraine Headaches

Hello All,

I cant stop gaining weight it seems. I am 40 years old, eat typically about 1200 calories a day and work out for an hour 4 times a week. It's crazy. According to my primary doctor my thyroid is normal.

I am so close to giving up. I am certainly doing the work, just not seeing the results. I suspect it is due to depression. I gained 20lbs this summer when I started taking a different anti-depressant. I stopped taking it after a couple of months but the weight is still here.

I finally found a doctor that would prescribe me adipex 37.5. This gives me hope as I will continue to work out, even harder on that note and try to eat more protein. I am praying to kick start my metabolism and then be able to maintain on my own.

Anyone else suffer from migraines and taking adipex? I am worried their frequency is going to increase.

Best of luck to you all on your journey!


  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Do you use a digital food scale and weigh ALL your food, including bites here and there? If not more than likely you are over eating and not in a deficit.

    Read this:
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Visit online calculator sites like and to get your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure- this is the calories that your body would typically use up in a day) and your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate- this is the amount you need to just be in a coma). Eat more than your BMR and less than your TDEE.

    1200 calories and working out 4 days a week for an hour or more? I would guess without knowing anything about your height or weight or workouts, only that your thyroid is fine, that this is too low. There is such a thing as too few calories- long term extreme calorie deficits can really mess up your metabolism. You shouldn't be gaining at 1200 calories- that signals a broken metabolism to me but I am NOT a doctor. I know for me, I had to eat more to lose weight. I only lasted about 6 weeks below 1400 before I hit a brick wall and stopped losing. My weight loss sweet spot is 1930 cals - its about 500 calories less than my TDEE with my BMR (1663) as my lowest allowable intake.

    Fixing a broken metabolism is tough. You might continue to gain in the short-term if you try to increase your calories but in the long term, if it fixes your slow metabolism it would be worth it. Good luck!

    I suffer from frequent headaches, sometimes migraine, but mine are actually related to food allergies and I am working to cut those foods out of my diet. I don't have meds for migraines or meds that cause them for me. Not sure about adipex...
  • A_Shoe_In
    Thanks for the info. I am 5'5" and at 156. I do zumba 4 days a week and I am on a crew team and normally paddle for an hour on the weekends. I think you are right about not eating enough and broken metabolism. After logging my stuff in the diary yesterday I was at a deficit. I have been doing that to myself for a long time. I am going to try really hard and eat better stuff and eat more (guilt free now that I know I am not over eating). I guess my approach has been wrong. I am also 41 years old so I suppose that does not help.