
Hey I finally decided to make a myfitnesspal account. Up until now I used something else but it seems my friends prefer this place so I wanted to come here where they are. I need all the help and motivation I can get...

But yeah as for me, my name is Liz and I am a house wife. I used to be slim but with marriage came a lot of weight. I lost motivation and I started feeling uncomfortable in my skin so I decided it's time to make a change.

I am a gamer and I enjoy watching tv shows, movies, and relaxing at home.

I am always looking for new friends so please send me a request! More support goes a long way!


  • You sound a lot like me! I used to be skinny but then came kids. I've definitely worked it off, though! I also am a gamer, though I really haven't had time for it lately. Thanks for the friend request! :)
  • lindZsurf
    lindZsurf Posts: 5 Member
    I am right there with you! I will gladly help support and motivate you to stay on track with your goals :)
  • MaekaGaming
    MaekaGaming Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the friend request lindZsurf and thank you for accepting KimberlyAnn32!
  • gkalmbach
    gkalmbach Posts: 28 Member
    Also a gamer (geek).. yeah relationship belly is a killer.. but got rid of one, time to get rid of the other :P
    feel free to add me. I'm pretty active on here and do my best to be supportive.
  • Laughter_
    Laughter_ Posts: 16
    Welcome!! I am happy you joined this site. :D