Food Jornal HELP!

KLaurean Posts: 112
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
When I started using MFP I felt that the calories they told me I should intake were way too high, so I altered it myself. My problem is that I am not even able to meet the calories I set for myself. I simply am not hungry. It keeps giving me a notice that I should be consuming more calories and that I may be putting myself into starvation mode. But I really can't eat any more. I am also meeting my fat content, so I don't want to go over that by adding foods with a lot of fat.
What should I do?


  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Try eating small meals every 3 hours or so, a protein and carb combo. If you eat 4-5 small meals at 300 cals each that is 1200-1500 cals, a much healthier amount. Eat calorie dense foods like nuts and avocados to get the cals in without filling up.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Small meals really does help - it did for me. Levels out metabolism and tells your body you will get food every few hours - so don't hang onto all that fat! At first I had to force myself to eat breakfast but now I eat two breakfasts, 2 lunches, dinner and a snack or two. Each meal has good fats, carbs, protein (lots of protein as it stays with me longer and I exercise alot). A meal could be a yogurt and a piece of fruit or oatmeal - lunch is a brown rice cake with RB or a flatout wrap with turkey and hummus or laughing cow light cheese. Dinner is usually seafood or chicken with veggies. It was worth a try for me - happy I did it.
  • Thanks so much I will definitely try it.
    I've been making myself eat breakfast and that has worked out pretty well
  • I agree with the above advice.

    Also, while the BMI is problematic, I notice your goal weight is 90lb. Unless you're under 4'8", that goal would make you underweight.

    Perhaps you are that petite, but your starting weight of 111lb is FINE for anyone from 4'8" to 5'2". Above 5'2", 111lb is too low.

    Also, consider how to calculate your fat calories. You should be consuming as much as 1-2 grams per kilo bodyweight a day. Assuming only one gram per kg bodyweight, you should be having AT LEAST 50g of fats a day. As a rough rule of thumb, 1/3rd of your calories should be from fats. 50g of fats = 450 calories, which would easily go into a 1300 cal or so diet.
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