looking for friends

I have been using the myfitnesspal since Jan. 2014 this time. I actually started in July 2013 but I got sidetracked. I have lost 60 lbs. so far but need to lose 47-55 more. I have just been using this cite to track my food and exercise. I would like to meet people that are going through this journey too. Maybe we could help each other. I have been my only support person. My family say they love me no matter what size I am. I just need to be a health me. I want to live a long healthy life. And be a very active person. If you want to be friends just send me a friend request. Thank you in advance.


  • hi Pam. wow, what an accomplishment! 60 pounds is awesome. i have 50 pounds to lose. i am looking for encouragement too and i would be happy to be an encourager to you. i gained about 40 pounds over the last year due to emotional eating over big life changes = a divorce, moving to an apt., selling my home, etc. my kids are grown but i want to feel good about me and i want them to be proud of me too. i wish you the best, keep on going girl!
  • SharonD112
    SharonD112 Posts: 1 Member
    hi, you look great and I love this site. I've only been on a few weeks but it really does make me accountable for everything I eat. I'd like to be friends and maybe we can help each other for support. just let me know. i need about 50 pounds to lose, and hopefully being here will help..
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and welcome!
  • Seyi
    Seyi Posts: 2 Member
    Great job so far! I would love to see if we can help each other out!
  • Donna8M
    Donna8M Posts: 6 Member
    I too am looking for more support and more friends to help keep me motivated! So if you want to add me to your friends that would be GREAT! Not sure if my name will be posted.
    I have been using the app for a little while but have gotten stagnant.
    You guys are doing well.. keep doing it one step at a time!
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    hi Pam. always looking for good friends. I'm on daily. sent you a friend request.